“1,500 hundred people went into the sea, When Titanic sank from under us. six were saved from the water… Myself included… six… out of 1,500. There were 20 boats floating near by, and only one came back… One! Afterwards, the 700 people in the boats had nothing to do but wait, wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution which would never come… ”
I had seen a preview back in november,1997. And by the new year of 1998 I saw the film in the cimema. I had never saw a love story so well written, that touched the hearts of millions as Titanic. The Love between Jack & Rose touched me. Where I fell inlove with the movie. The 2nd part made me weep, seeing all those people jump off the ship. And hearing the screams of 1,500 people. James Cameron made it look so real, and feel as if you were actually there and to hear and see what transpired that night. The part that really got me was Jack's death. And her trying to wake him up, when she saw a boat. I don't think I could have left him, I would have died with him.
Few years ago, I took some pieces from “James Horner & Will Jeannings” My Heart will go on" And made a theme for Jack. I added an ending piece to it from myself to end the theme. And this was resently.
Music: I love the music to the film. James Horner really made some great music. And the music blended in so well. I remember playing the music everyday after school. Where I memorize the music. Especially my heart will go on. I fell in love with the song, and the lyrics are touching and strong. And no one could ever sing or perform this song as well as Celine Dion. I've been told by people that I sing the song just like her. But she is the best. And I can also play songs: Hymn to the sea, Never an absolution, Southhampton, Rose, My Heart will go on, I am hoping by christmas to have these recordings on type. I love the music, and I love the sound.
For years since I was little, I was always fasinated in the history of the ship, My grandma was a teacher, so she had alots and alots of books. And the ship intrigue me. I wanted to know everything I could about the Titanic. And I am still doing research on the ship. Someday I would like to visit the atlantic ocean. There are still alot of mysteries and stories and even myths. That have never been revealed.
What I liked about those days, Is that you had to dress up nice to attend dinner, And I loved the grand stair case. The entire ship, I fell in love with. And when the movie came, It became one of my all time favorites. And In the hearts of millions of people. It became the 1 and only love that we all want, but seldom find…..
forgive me if this has already been posted!