1000 Things you learn from Ghostbusters

by PirateQueen

15 years, 9 months ago

203. There's always room for Jell-O.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 9 months ago

204. When a proton stream hits a cake, it explodes.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 9 months ago

Pirate Queen;140097
203. There's always room for Jell-O.
That one was already covered.

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 9 months ago

205) Einstein did his best stuff when he was working as a patent clerk.
206) Peter doesn't know how much a patent clerk earns.
207) You can't park that here.
208) Everyone can relax, Ray found the car.
209) It cost $4,800
210) Before Sedgewick they didn't have a successful test of the packs.
211) Egon blames himself.
212) Peter blames him, too.

by PirateQueen

15 years, 9 months ago

That one was already covered.

Curses! I went through every page looking for it.

Quote withdrawn.

by venky1

15 years, 9 months ago

213. The word “Bad” has a very different implication for Ghostbusters.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 9 months ago

Pirate Queen;140180
Curses! I went through every page looking for it.

Quote withdrawn.

no worries.. I've seen some Scott posted which I covered already.

by batman2

15 years, 9 months ago

1. Crossing the streams is a big NO, NO
2. When someone asks if you are a god you say “yes”
3. Walter Peck has no dick.
4. To slow down and chew your food.
5. Never slime a guy with a positron collider.
6. Even if you do cross the streams, there's definately a VERY slim chance you'll survive.
7. Split up. You can do more damage that way.
8. They got the tools, They got the talent!
9. You shouldn’t do your own taxes
10. Don't be an idiot
11. Never get involved with possessed people
12. Ray has gone bye, bye
13. Don't look into the trap
14. A Twinkie that represents all the negative energy in the tri-state area, will be about 35ft long and weigh approximately 600lbs
15. That's a big Twinkie
16. The sponge has migrated a foot and a half.
17. Always LISTEN to smell something
18. No one steps on a church in Venkmans town.
19. The door swings both ways.
20. Walter Peck likes fruit baskets
21. The Catholic Church will not get involved with the “religious implications” of supernatural phenomena
22. The “magic word” is, please
23. If Egon tries to drill a hole through his head, DON'T try to stop him
24. Stay Puft, he’s a Sailor, he’s in New York, if we get this guy laid, well be alright!
25. They don’t make Nikes in the Statue of Liberty size.
26. She’s naked under that toga, she’s French you know that.
27. Toasters dance to Jackie Wilson.
28. When ever you defeat a evil ghost in a picture, at the end theres always a picture of your self to replace it.
29. To defeat Vigo, everyone in the group has to sing happy songs!
30. Slimer has a licence to drive a bus.
31. Always back off when you're talking to a scientist.
32. Nobody stacks books symmetrically.
33. Always look at the third individual if you want them to do something.
34. When shit happens, call the Ghostbusters.
35. BBQ duck is always a payment for a bust.
36. Do not stand behind a proton pack, after it is turned on.
37. There are cockroaches on the 12th floor that can bite your head off.
38. Vigo misses his kitten. Please don't paint it beside the castle
39. Wind always catches your hair when the door is closed.
40. Winston wants his own lawyer.
41. The Ghostbusters have not seen Elvis.
42. Don't get in a cab with the skeleton as the driver.
43. don't tell the cop how to do his job.
44. Venkman tortures ghosts by playing twirling high E and F on a piano.
45. to completely CLEAR your head, and not let anything ‘pop’ in there, especially J. Edgar Hoover
46. The Mayor favours’ support of registered voters.
47. If there's a steady pay check, you can believe in anything.
48. Twister and break dancing are great party favours for your Clients.
49. Demons don’t like the mentioning of playing Parcheesi
50. Cello players buy a lot of junk food.
51. shouting “Get Her” is not a good Ghost Catching technique.
52. Making Girls believe they have ESP, works well as a Pick-Up tool.
53. Nerds don't like electric shocks
54. If you feed Oscar French bread pizza, he'll pass right out
55. Winston hates Jell-O
56. There's always room for JELLO
57. Find a shady spot
58. The proton pack is NOT a toy
59. Aim for the flat top
60. Alice's (the librarian) Uncle thinks he's St. Jerome
61. Wine pass through ghosts, food and hot-dogs don't.
62. Ray and Egon had sex with slime.
63. Apparently everyone has 3 mortgages nowadays
64. Don't expect a kiss from your first client, even if you have a crush on her and you admit it.
65. The effect will piss you off
66. Never ask why your covered in goo
67. Suck in the guts, you're Ghostbusters
68. The pole does still work
69. If you think of J. Edgar Hoover, he will appear and destroy you
70. If there is a steady pay check, believe in anything they say
71. There office space, sleeping quarters, and showers on the second floor, and a full kitchen on the top level.
72. Larry King will doubt about your business.
73. Wally Wick is a nice sanitized insult if you don't want to criticize a man who apparently lacks genitalia.
74. Walter Peck is some kind of rodent, I don't know which.
75. Eggs cook on counters
76. Zuul is the keeper to Gozer
77. Luis us the key master
78. We will all perish in flames
79. The statue of liberty is French and naked under that toga
80. Liberty is a harbour chick
81. Better late then never
82. Nikes don't come in her size.
83. Liberty has a weekend in Vegas with the jolly green giant.
84. I look fantastic in this.
85. You quit better jobs than this.
86. colleges leave vandalism on doors (burn in hell)
88. People still don’t believe in ghosts in gb2 even though the events in gb1
89. Nothing ever happens in the bedroom (what a crime.)
90. Junk food…you actually eat this stuff?
91. Slimer can drive a bus cause he got his license.
92. Bathtubs eat babies
93. Where do you think all this is coming from, the sky?
94. Business or Personal
95. You can die swallowing a girl's hair during the night.
96. Light is green….trap is clean.
97. Two in the box, Ready to go, We be fast, They be slow.
98. people will believe anything you say if they get a steady pay check
99. Don’t talk to me, talk to my attorney.
100. Your next Bubbles.
101. No time for a Bench test, heat them up
102. certified check, cash, or money order.
103. It's always the quite ones.
104. Gods like to live in common everyday kitchen appliances
105. Zuul Likes to cop-a-feel before he possess someone.
106. They're the best, they're the beautiful, they're the only… Ghostbusters.
107. Come on big boy, I'm gonna take you home to my private zoo.
108. Ray is the man to ask about Elvis and how he's doing.
109. Human emotions actually affect the physical environment.
110. No one steps on a church in your town not even a giant marshmallow man.
111. Apparently this job is not worth another 5k a year.
112. Jason is an ungrateful little yuppie larvae.
113. After a good bust, it's Miller Time.
114. City workers should NOT mess with the containment grid.
115. Venkman never studied.
116. Apparently, busting makes one feel good.
117. The Titanic will arrive…better late than never
118. attractive women apparently attract paranormal activities.
119. Zuul is the name of a demigod worshipped in 6000 BC by the Hittites, Mesopotamians, and Sumerians
120. Zuul is also a minion of Gozer,
121. Gozer is a the shape-shifting god of destruction.
122. Gozer will come in one of the pre-chosen forms.
123. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveller came as a large Torg!
124. During the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor!
125. Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day
126. Louis has fancy parties for his clients
127. Louis doesn't carry any Excedrin or extra-strength Tylenol; all he has is acetylsalicylic acid, generic since he can get six hundred tablets of that for the same price as three hundred of a name brand. That makes good financial sense!
128. real smoked salmon from Nova Scotia, Canada, $24.95 a pound! and it only cost him $14.12 after tax.
129. His fancy party was a promotional expense and that's why he invited clients instead of friends.
130. Mark was having a good time
131. The brie, was at room temperature!
132. Ted and Annette Fleming attended Louis' party.
133. Ted has a small carpet cleaning business in receivership and Annette's drawing a salary from a deferred bonus from two years ago
134. Ted and Annette got fifteen thousand left on the house at eight percent.
135. The Proton pack's power cells have a half life of 5,000 years
136. The slime's positively charged. You'll wake up feeling like a million bucks.
137. Slimer's an ugly little spud, and he can hear you.
138. Don't move. He won't hurt you, just slime you.
139. Pay the $5,000, or Slimer goes free.
140. The walls in the 53rd Precinct were bleeding. Try explaining that.
141. Destroyed Maid's Cart = Successful test.
142. Ghost Trains travel below the ground
143. Always go into obviously haunted underground area's WITHOUT your proton pack
144. Rivers of Slime are underneath New York City.
145. The World will end on New Years Eve of 1989 or 1992 Or better yet 1994
146. The End of the World will Be February 14, 2016…Valentine’s Day…Bummer.
147.There are so many holes already on First Avenue no one thought anyone would notice one more.
148. Slimer´s a focused, non-terminal, repeating phantasm…
149. … or a Class five full roaming vapour.
150. Terror dogs with large horns are males, the one with short horns, female.
151. It´s supposed that pets aren´t allowed at Louis´ building.
152. Venkman has as a rule to not to get involved with possessed people.
153. Meeting the gatekeeper with the key master isn’t a good idea.
154. Venkman loves to run the red lights.
155. You better show results at the University, or they´ll kick you out.
156. The private sector expects results too.
157. Ray was born at home.
158. Egon collects Spores, Moulds and Fungus
159. The usual stuff doesn't work on the Librarian
160. Judge Stephen ‘The Hammer’ Wexler likes to give people the chair, and burn people at the stake.

by batman2

15 years, 9 months ago

161. Winston has seen shit that will turn him white.
162. Dana's tub tried to eat her. and the baby.
163. The Atomic weight of Cobalt is 58.9
164. There is a bear in Louis' apartment.
165. The sky always turn dark when a large paranormal force arrives.
166. The toaster can eat the hand, but don't worry, they put a warning label on it so they won't have any liability.
167. Ray believes they will need overtime for the Gozer bust.
168. It takes Ray an hour to get coffee from across the street.
169. Venkman has a hamper.
170. A park bench was chasing someone.
171. Touch evil slime with your shoes and your fur coat will somehow get possessed.
172. Louis got his Law Degree in Night School
173. Ray, Peter, & Egon got arrested at night
174. If there's something strange in the neighbourhood, apparently you should call He-Man
175. Only a Carpathian would come back to life now and choose New York
176. The big shoulder look is out
177. Ray did that. Ray broke the chandelier. It's his fault.
178. It's okay, the table broke the fall.
179. No job is too big, and no fee is too big.
180. The Flowers are still standing.
181. Make sure you tell Peter about the Twinkie.
182. The girls are more interested in Egon's Epidermis. Whatever that is.
183. If you want someone to tell you something, pull their ears.
184. Non-corporeal ghost nannies can carry away corporeal babies
185. When the light is green, the trap is clean
186. The Ecto Containment Unit makes a flushing noise when the lever is pulled
187. Upright laser traps are great for phantasm's…not so much for glass wear
188. Slime is Slippery
189. Slime is Sticky
190. Egon likes to make references to peoples mothers
191. Large quantities of melted marshmellow resembles shaving cream
192. If you don´t know how much charge for a hunting and entrapment of a ghost, look at Egon, he´ll “lend you a hand” with the answer.
193. Venkman looks like a TV show host instead of a scientist.
194. Tapping on piano keys is hated by ghost. It tortures them.
195. Is this you? Good
196. Pete Venkman is the kind of guy to get things done.
197. There is no smoking in the Sedgwick hotel elevator
198. Mr. Smith, quickly, he wants the door open now
199. Never call a press conference and tell everyone to start praying
200. It's alright, they're fine, they can take it, They know how to play rough
201. Dan aykroyd and Harold ramis are great writers
202. Louis is a Ghostbuster.
203. There's always room for Jell-O.
204. When a proton stream hits a cake, it explodes.
205. Einstein did his best stuff when he was working as a patent clerk.
206. Peter doesn't know how much a patent clerk earns.
207. You can't park that here.
208. Everyone can relax, Ray found the car.
209. It cost $4,800
210. Before Sedgewick they didn't have a successful test of the packs.
211. Egon blames himself.
212. Peter blames him, too.
213. The word “Bad” has a very different implication for Ghostbusters.

by RoastedZuul

15 years, 9 months ago

214. I hear it likes the girls(which may explain Dana's role in both films).(*peter)