1000 Things you learn from Ghostbusters

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

It is safe to assume that we have exhausted the movies so I am moving on into the animated series…both of them…

#275 – There is not transwarp drive on the Ecto Containment Unit.
#276 – Not talking to Peter for a week is good for Egon’s health
#278 – There are 2 contradictory origins for the Halloween Season
#279 – More than one ghostly entity can be housed in a single trap
#280 – Peter sounds a lot like Garfield the Cat
#281 – Peter did not destroy the original flight suits worn by the Ghostbusters after their encounter with Gozer
#282 - Egon can read ancient Sumerian in his sleep; underwater and with the lights off.
#283 - Do Not Open Until Doomsday!
#284 - The job is a lot easier when they don't shoot back!
#285 – Peter needs to get into better shape!
#286 – Peter never liked Egon, his family, or his dog
#287 - Dib is a minor demon
#288 – Winston sold his soul to a minor demon
#289 – After seven years of college Peter can has a hard time remembering if it's positive to negative or positive to positive
#290 - Peter wonders why they never meet anything cute why its always big and mean with lots of teeth.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

no worries.. I've seen some Scott posted which I covered already.

I did?

*goes back*

Wow, thanks for telling me. *saying to self* See nobody likes to say anything about something yet blame you later for it. Same thing happens in my college classes. I try talking to people, they say nothing, and yet blame me for not helping.

I hate the living….

182) The girls are more interested in Egon's Epididimus. Whatever that is.

It is your….hmm well if you are a male, it is your “family jewels.” More specifically the “tubes” that connect to your “family jewels.”

by Dreamstalker

15 years, 10 months ago

32. Nobody stacks books symmertrically.
*raises hand* I do…

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;140979
I did?

*goes back*

Wow, thanks for telling me. *saying to self* See nobody likes to say anything about something yet blame you later for it. Same thing happens in my college classes. I try talking to people, they say nothing, and yet blame me for not helping.

I hate the living….


well I didn't really care as I said.. it's not like you did anything wrong. lol. We all wanted more.. so it's all good man

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 10 months ago

but I'm not done with the movies.

291. Slime is either purple, red or green.
292. If you see a baby on the ledge of the building, call 911
293. The Apartment superintendent is also a human being.
294. The producers thinks Venkman is a fraud
295. Always tell your child (who is in a runaway carrige) to watch out.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

I am still sticking with the theme of the animated series:

#296 - Despite Egon’s leanings toward science, his family has a history of witchcraft.
#297 - Three of Egon’s ancestors, Zedekiah, Eli and Ezekiel, were wizards.
#298 - Egon sometimes seems to be unaware of Janine's interest in him
#299 – There are 2 contradictory reasons for the Halloween Season
#300 – Egon has uncle named Cyrus
#301 – Egon’s Uncle visits him and, does not believe that Egon's a waste of Egon's genius
#302 – Egon grew up in Ohio
#303 - Egon had his soul switched with that of a demon,
#304 - Egon had his molecular structure destabilized to the point that it stranded him in the Netherworld
#305 – Egon had his intellect switched with Slimer's.
#306 – Egon was terrorized by the Boogieman as a child
#307 – Being stalked by the Boogieman was what inspired Egon to study the paranormal
#308 - Egon accidentally burned down his family's garage.
#309 – Egon turns 40 in 1997
#310 - Peter is the closest thing they have to one, and often makes the decision whether the Ghostbusters will take a case or not.
#311 - Peter originally opposed to the idea of Slimer living in the firehouse, but quickly develops a love-hate relationship with the him.
#312 - Peter's father was a con artist/businessman who couldn't make an honest dollar and was often away on business during Peter's childhood,
#313 - Peter’s father was a negligent, even manipulative father.
#314 - Peter has claimed to be a Scorpio
#315 - One of Peter's favorite hobbies is trains
#316 – Peter studied engineering in college for two years before finding out it had nothing to do with trains.
#317 – Peter wishes for Brad Pitt to play him in a movie.
#318 - Ray has the largest family to appear in the series which has different nationalities ranging from Swiss to Scottish to Russian
#319 - Ray was born in the Bronx
#320 - Ray later moved to Morrisville
#321 - Ray's childhood crush was a brunette named Elaine.
#322 – Ray was the closest member of the team to being a pilot, having won a free flying lesson in 1976
#323 - Ray's surname was misspelled in the series as Stanz,
#324 – Winston’s surname was misspelled in this series as Zeddmore.
#325 – After leaving the Ghostbusters Ray got a job at a major university.
#326 - After a “minor mishap”, which was followed by a large explosion, he acquired a job at Perpetual Motors, a used car company.
#327 - Winston is the reincarnation of Shima Buku, a shaman who was at war with an immortal demon known only as the Undying One.
#328 - Winston mentions having a girlfriend, but she is never seen on screen.
#329 - Winston used to be a construction worker prior to joining the Ghostbusters
#330 – The construction site Winston worked on belonging to his father.
#331 - Winston loves baseball, and his favorite team is the Jaguars.
#332 - Winston takes part in a paranormal baseball game for the fate of Peter Venkman's soul.
#333 – Winston loves mystery novels and detective stories.
#334 – Winston also likes classical literature, including the works of Herman Melville and Charles Dickens.
#335 – Winston is also a fan of The Alan Parsons Project.
#336 - Winston is almost always shown driving the Ecto-1
#337 – Winston is often seen doing maintenance on the vehicle such as oil changes.
#338 – It is implying Zeddemore is fond of the Ecto-1.
#339 – After leaving the Ghostbusters Winston got his pilot's license
#340 - Janine is the youngest daughter of a working class family.
#341 – Janine’s parents, sister, nephew and grandmother all live in Canarsie
#342 – Janine lives in Brooklyn Heights, where she grew up.
#343 – Janine tends to wear loud, blocky jewelry and tends to wear a mini-skirt at work.
#344 - In 1987, Janine owns a convertible red Volkswagen Beetle
#345 – That red Volkswagen Beetle was severely damaged after being loaned to the Ghostbusters
#346 – Janine replaced the Volkswagen Beetle with a yellow Renault 5 Le Car,
#347 – It is unknown if this is a loaner/rental or Janine’s own car
#348 - Later instances show that Janine owns a pink Beetle convertible.
#349 - Janine has a sharp, sarcastic sense of humor and has been known to make jokes about the Ghostbusters, either to their faces or under her breath
#350 – Janine went through a lot of severe changes to the character
#351 - It is revealed that Janine’s changes were the result of her wishes to a "makeoverus lotsabucks”, a demon posing as a sort of fairy godmother
#352 – Slimer was the only one who noticed these changes to Janine
#353 - Overtime, Janine has apparently reverted back to the way she was

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

I don't know if these have been covered, but here they are.

#354 People have a strong psychic beliefs that the world will end on New Year's Eve.
#355 You're short, your bellybutton sticks out too far, and you're a terrible burden on your poor mother.
#356 He is Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him! (if this one is missed, I am surprised, but I didn't see it.)

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

had some misnumbering I just corrected…might want to take a look back at your last post to make sure they connect

by theo1361

15 years, 10 months ago

357. fiorello laguardia has been dead for 40 years
358. when you need an idea on how to fight vigo look at your license plate
359. Vigo's full name is Prince Vigo von Homburg Deutschendorf
360. Roy Brady's grandma used to spin yarns about a spectral locomotive that would rocket past the farm where she grew up
361.You are like the buzzing of flies to vigo
362. when you need a stool sample ask venkman to do it
363.Egon straightened a slinky
364.the atomic weight of cobalt is 58.9
365.six million and one is the number of miserable assholes in the tristate area
366. janoz is from the upper vest side
367.Boys! Boys! You're scaring the straights, okay?


15 years, 10 months ago

368.Ray always disappoints peter

lol idk it that counts since its from the game

but hey i thought i put it in to see.