12" custom GB FIGURE

by metallico33

15 years, 10 months ago

Hey guy Im planning to make a custom 12" 1/6 figure and I need help of the things I need.

where I can buy everything except the heads that I found on ebay.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago


If its custom, doesn't that mean that you basically make the stuff?

If you're just buying a pack and a uniform and stuff to put on a Ken doll that you pop the head off and put an eBay head on…. that's not really custom.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman;137678
If you're just buying a pack and a uniform and stuff to put on a Ken doll that you pop the head off and put an eBay head on…. that's not really custom.

nope that is still a custom…to a degree

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

There is such a think of buy blank slates for dolls. Even dolls like barbie dolls or what not if you want to make a figure.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

My point being, if he's asking for a place to buy a 1/6 scale proton pack and uniform, that's not really custom. That's buying pieces that someone else made and putting them on a figure.

To me, custom usually means that its your own work, or at least mostly your own work.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman;137691
My point being, if he's asking for a place to buy a 1/6 scale proton pack and uniform, that's not really custom. That's buying pieces that someone else made and putting them on a figure.

To me, custom usually means that its your own work, or at least mostly your own work.

The choices u make in terms of figure, style, colors and which things like maybe a choice between 2 different small scale proton packs, or who he chooses to buy the jumpsuit from. all these things make it custom cause he makes those decisions.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

I think we need to find the difference between custom and home made. If I make a doll using bought parts, then it is a custom doll as there is no other doll like it.

However, if make the whole thing from scratch then it is a home-made custom doll. Usually when they say custom, they say make it your way the way you want it to be.

So technically you are both right, but the fine line is whether he buys the material or makes it himself out of material he finds.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;137693
So technically you are both right, but the fine line is whether he buys the material or makes it himself out of material he finds.

Yea, like I said, its just a difference of opinion over the definition of the word “custom”.

by metallico33

15 years, 9 months ago

well in my terms customs is what you make your self even though the parts are from other figures some things are home made because other people made them but IM asking advice on things like the flight suit obviously theres no GB flightsuit for 12“ figures so I have to add some custom things, the pack itself does not come painted and its missing the cables and lights that I choose to put on the figure or maybe not.

so long story short, all that I want is that if any people have made a 12” figure can point me in the right direction of the things that i need to put it together in terms of the thing I need to customize myself to make them look like GB stuff.

by JasonLudy

15 years, 9 months ago

When I made my custom figure, I did use items like the Hot Toys Truetype body, and found 1/6 flight suits, alice frames, military style belt, radio and even 1/6 scale REAL leather boots with laces and everything… oh, and the goggles I found on eBay.

After that, everything else was hand constructed by me, myself and I. The proton pack and gun, trap, belt equipment, leg hose, elbow pads, etc. were constructed with whatever I could find, including everything from wood to oven-baked clay to tips of ball point pens and a lip balm lid for the cyclotron. I know Nickatron made a 1/6 scale resin pack kit available, but I've seen it, and IMO it's out of scale (too big) and has issues with screen accuracy. It's little details like making a REAL metal holster clip for the gun to attach to the pack that makes ALL the difference.

If you wanna check out more of my figure, you can find it at:


Below are some pics… hope this helps!