12" custom GB FIGURE

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

Wow. Just… wow. Congrats.

by metallico33

15 years, 9 months ago

jason ludy;137884
when i made my custom figure, i did use items like the hot toys truetype body, and found 1/6 flight suits, alice frames, military style belt, radio and even 1/6 scale real leather boots with laces and everything… Oh, and the goggles i found on ebay.

After that, everything else was hand constructed by me, myself and i. The proton pack and gun, trap, belt equipment, leg hose, elbow pads, etc. Were constructed with whatever i could find, including everything from wood to oven-baked clay to tips of ball point pens and a lip balm lid for the cyclotron. I know nickatron made a 1/6 scale resin pack kit available, but i've seen it, and imo it's out of scale (too big) and has issues with screen accuracy. It's little details like making a real metal holster clip for the gun to attach to the pack that makes all the difference.

If you wanna check out more of my figure, you can find it at:


below are some pics… Hope this helps!

i have you in my friends in myspace hehehe

by Eri8321317

15 years, 4 months ago

That figure, is just simply mind boggling. I'm at a lost for words. How long did it take you to construct him? I'd pay big bucks for an Egon one. That is just simply beautiful. And congrats on getting Dan to sign, that must have been epic.