13 foot Stay Puft Costume

by ScottSommer

14 years, 8 months ago

Apparently a 24-year-old man named Tyler Reid is building himself a giant 13 foot Stay Puft Marshmallow man.

I am going to be interested in seeing this.


by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 8 months ago

I'm sorry but this is just an incredible waste of time…

Building something that big, you're never going to be able to wear it anywhere. It won't fit into just about any building.

by DkiDClue

14 years, 8 months ago

he seems to have alot of free time , why the hate? if hes happy who cares. Id like to see how this turns out

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 8 months ago

DkiD Clue;162402
he seems to have alot of free time , why the hate? if hes happy who cares. Id like to see how this turns out

Where did I say I hated the idea or him?

I think its a waste of time because it won't fit anywhere. Its like building a 4x the normal size proton pack. It won't fit on your back and thus won't make much sense.

by elwood1

14 years, 8 months ago

I once saw someone at a Halloween party wear a ~12ft tall Grim Reaper costume… they had to wait until after they arrived at the party to put it on, and only wore it for a few minutes at a time but it did work out for them. Thus I'd say that this Stay-Puft costume would be feasible too

by Cosmic-Riptide

14 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;162399
I'm sorry but this is just an incredible waste of time…

Building something that big, you're never going to be able to wear it anywhere. It won't fit into just about any building.

At a Halloween party, probably not. But I would think that it would work fine for outdoor events and some conventions.

by Nix

14 years, 8 months ago

So this guy wants to build a 13-foot high Stay Puft costume.

He's a nutter.

I like him already. (^_^)

I think I only have one complaint: maybe it's not big enough. A Japanese company has just come out with a Land Walker (think the AT-ST from Star Wars) that could easily be converted into a fully-functioning Stay-Puft costume.

http://psipunk.com/land-walker-exoskeleton/#more-982 <<linky linky!

by ScottSommer

14 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;162399
I'm sorry but this is just an incredible waste of time…

Building something that big, you're never going to be able to wear it anywhere. It won't fit into just about any building.

I have seen one man win a Cosplay contest when he built a 13 foot transformers outfit. The guy had a hard time going up stairs, but other than that he was pretty much set. The costume and him walking provided no problems.

This is why I am interested in seeing this happen if the guy does pull it off.

Waste of Money? Probably.
Not practical? Maybe.
Waste of time? Never. Not for fanboys like us. Besides it's good to have dreams and hobbies

He is not exactly going to wear this thing down the street and everyday life.

by DkiDClue

14 years, 8 months ago

some people would say spending alot of time making a pack or trap is a waste of time but alot of people do that! That why i said why the hate , i spent months working on my pack and no one can see the damn thing but me, but its amazing to me. No need to say anything is a waste of time

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 8 months ago

DkiD Clue;162458
some people would say spending alot of time making a pack or trap is a waste of time but alot of people do that! That why i said why the hate , i spent months working on my pack and no one can see the damn thing but me, but its amazing to me. No need to say anything is a waste of time

A pack is more practical and can be made for less than this guy is making an enormous, not practical, non-sensical costume.

Don't confuse the two. I didn't call making a pack a waste of time, so don't confuse the two.

I'm not saying people are idiots for thinking its a good idea, I'm just expressing my opinion.