13 foot Stay Puft Costume

by ScottSommer

14 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;162463
A pack is more practical and can be made for less than this guy is making an enormous, not practical, non-sensical costume.

Don't confuse the two. I didn't call making a pack a waste of time, so don't confuse the two.

I'm not saying people are idiots for thinking its a good idea, I'm just expressing my opinion.

I understand what you mean Venkman and I know you don't hate on this, but words like “practical” and “waste of time” mean nothing to fanboys and girls.

Chances are, they would probably be more inclined to do so because people think it is a waste of time.

I think it is a brilliant idea and even if he fails it's still a great thing to try.

I admire the guys enthusiasm for wanting to do something like this. I might be overstepping it a little, but men like him have the power to change the world with what they do.

Okay I am being a bit over the top with drama, but I say if the man can pull it off, he should have the right to dream anything he wants. He doesn't think it is a waste of time and he is doing his most favorite two things. Building stuff and Ghostbusters.

by DkiDClue

14 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;162463
A pack is more practical and can be made for less than this guy is making an enormous, not practical, non-sensical costume.

Don't confuse the two. I didn't call making a pack a waste of time, so don't confuse the two.

I'm not saying people are idiots for thinking its a good idea, I'm just expressing my opinion.

dude yur a riot ,no one is confusing the two , i was expressing my opinion too lol , you said it was a waste of time but 90% of this board spends alot of time making props. You seemed like a hypocrite thats all

by Kingpin

14 years, 8 months ago

Alright folks, time to take a few minutes and have a breather.

Optimus Prime in my mind is a easier costume to make and move, as appropriately-sized cardboard boxes will go a lot of the way toward the final effect… Stay Puft being so bulky… I bet the guy is going to have trouble with the movement.

And awhilst you can argue the hypothetical of building a Pack being a waste of time, the Proton Pack's going to be a lot easier to get out of at the end of the night… not to mention it won't invite balance issues.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 8 months ago

DkiD Clue;162481
dude yur a riot ,no one is confusing the two , i was expressing my opinion too lol , you said it was a waste of time but 90% of this board spends alot of time making props. You seemed like a hypocrite thats all

No, see you are confusing the two.

Its not being hypocritical to say something that is 13 feet tall is impratical and a waste of time as opposed to something that is more practical that you can wear on your back. Its very different and not even one bit hypocritical.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 8 months ago

In theory it could work. Iron Maiden has a similar costume for Eddie:

by Cosmic-Riptide

14 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;162483
No, see you are confusing the two.

Its not being hypocritical to say something that is 13 feet tall is impratical and a waste of time as opposed to something that is more practical that you can wear on your back. Its very different and not even one bit hypocritical.

They're one in the same, you're just over analyzing it. Both serve no purpose other than to make the creator happy, both can be considered a waste of money, of time, and of space, the size of either is irrelevant particularly since it's relative.

But if you still absolutely feel that size is indeed a factor, consider all of the fans with Ectomobile replicas and variations. They're much larger than thirteen feet, they certainly have a larger price tag. You can't just run the siren and flashers whenever and wherever you want. You have all the usual headaches that come with owning a vehicle, in some cases the headaches that come with owning a “classic” vehicle, the headaches that come with prop building (done right) and taking your props out into the public, and you're probably not going to be parking your Ectomobile at the grocery store while you run in for a gallon of milk, or drive it to the office each day.

PKE meter replicas, Proton Pack replicas, GB uniforms, Ectomobile replicas, etc… to the owners and builders they mean something… to other people they are all simply money pits and paper weights.(*winston)

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 8 months ago

They're one in the same, you're just over analyzing it. Both serve no purpose other than to make the creator happy, both can be considered a waste of money, of time, and of space, the size of either is irrelevant particularly since it's relative.

But if you still absolutely feel that size is indeed a factor, consider all of the fans with Ectomobile replicas and variations. They're much larger than thirteen feet, they certainly have a larger price tag. You can't just run the siren and flashers whenever and wherever you want. You have all the usual headaches that come with owning a vehicle, in some cases the headaches that come with owning a “classic” vehicle, the headaches that come with prop building (done right) and taking your props out into the public, and you're probably not going to be parking your Ectomobile at the grocery store while you run in for a gallon of milk, or drive it to the office each day.

PKE meter replicas, Proton Pack replicas, GB uniforms, Ectomobile replicas, etc… to the owners and builders they mean something… to other people they are all simply money pits and paper weights.(*winston)

The fact that you can't see past the “size” and realize my point is actually quite sad.

A car has function… it has purpose.

A 13 foot high costume that does not fit into almost any door, does not have a function or a purpose in my mind.

I never said that it wouldn't mean something to this guy. I said I find it to be a waste of time and money given its limits.

I don't see why so many people here have a hard time grasping this and trying to compare it to other prop building, when its completely different.

by ScottSommer

14 years, 8 months ago

I'm sorry Kingpin, I didn't mean for this to happen. I just thought it was interesting that someone wants to build this and so happens to be the best monster in the world.

Look everyone this is not a thread to argue who is right or wrong or what is practical or impractical.

So chill, alright? You both hold some truths to what you say, but you all have something wrong. Yes the costume would not be as practical as say making the car, but it doesn't mean it's a waste of time.

He could so totally pull this off and it might be very successful. True he will have trouble in some areas, but that is the beauty part of imagination. You find ways to make it work.

Ingenuity is a great way to discover things we might not have known before.

I remember when Harold Ramis once said that he enjoyed the special effects department because it was like they could do anything. (Keep in mind, this is before CGI.) “You tell them you want to shoot a cinder block across the room. ‘Oh yeah? How fast would you like it to go?’”

by Cosmic-Riptide

14 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;162517
The fact that you can't see past the “size” and realize my point is actually quite sad.

A car has function… it has purpose.

A 13 foot high costume that does not fit into almost any door, does not have a function or a purpose in my mind.

I never said that it wouldn't mean something to this guy. I said I find it to be a waste of time and money given its limits.

I don't see why so many people here have a hard time grasping this and trying to compare it to other prop building, when its completely different.

You compared it to building an over sized Proton Pack. My point is that even a normal sized proton pack is awfully impractical. It's just a thirty pound piece of sculpture on your back. It doesn't do anything! You can't actually bust ghosts with it. You can't even comfortably sit while wearing it. It is equally silly, you simply just have to step back and look at the big picture.

An Ectomobile replica is impractical because not only is it a car that you probably won't use for anything other than cruising around, it comes with way more problems than a normal, actually practical, car (or even your average prop) would.

You're entitled to your opinion, it just doesn't make much sense when you consider where you are, why you are here, and the audience you're expressing it to. You're in a fandom, EVERYTHING here can be considered a waste of time and/or money.(*winston)

by DkiDClue

14 years, 8 months ago

“I'm sorry Kingpin”

