1st & 3rd person view?

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 8 months ago

or is the game only in 3rd person view.

by winston18

15 years, 8 months ago

When you pull out the goggles and the PKE it goes to a first person view, but other than that it is third person.

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 8 months ago

When you pull out the goggles and the PKE it goes to a first person view, but other than that it is third person.
yea, was just wondering when you fire the neutron wand could you be in 1st person view as well.


15 years, 8 months ago

nope only 3rd person.

by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 8 months ago

It needs to be 3rd person view because the HUD is on the Proton Pack.

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

nope only 3rd person.

Oh Jonny, have you been barking up the wrong tree.


15 years, 8 months ago

I think it was “ Oh Johnny did you back the wrong horse.”
but he asked if you could use the pack in first person and I said no.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 8 months ago

will you hose him plz.

by demonaz

15 years, 8 months ago

Ghostbusters could work as a 1st person shooter, but not this game. The HUD is already on the pack and it's better that way.

I think if they were ever to make a 1st person Ghostbusters game it would have to tip towards the scary side more with a lot of atmospheric elements. The HUD would also take up the screen.

Plus, I like looking at all the lights and gizmos on the pack.

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 8 months ago

Ghostbusters could work as a 1st person shooter, but not this game. The HUD is already on the pack and it's better that way.

I think if they were ever to make a 1st person Ghostbusters game it would have to tip towards the scary side more with a lot of atmospheric elements. The HUD would also take up the screen.

Plus, I like looking at all the lights and gizmos on the pack.
or you could also just change views to see how your health etc.. are. i know what you mean though since they wanted no hud since itd take away the experience. i was thinking with the new motion camera MS will demo at E3, itd be cool to have it in 1st person, and have a neutron wand controller with a couple of buttons on it that will allow you to change equipment type, and fire. itd add even more immersion to the game if the camera thing lives up to the hype.:-O:-)