1up to be playing Ghostbusters tonight

by superstarseven

15 years, 8 months ago

And the no.1 question which is of course, Is there co-op?

by jogi82

15 years, 8 months ago

man, even i havnt noticed the alice pack-thing before someone spoke it out!
then, i saw it too ofcourse!
but for ex. the cyclotronlights-thing:
i havnt heard from that before and i havnt noticed it!
so whats the deal?
am i not a “SUPER GB FAN” because i havnt watched it frame by frame and noticed that, or what?

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

TBH, I consider myself a SUPER GB fan, but I never Noticed the Twin Towers not being there.

Why? Because they're NOT suplemental to the story, I don't see what the big deal is. YES the buildings got destroyed on 9/11 some people STILL think it's a big deal. It's not. Get over it it happened a long(enough) time ago. STOP looking for reasons to hate the game and just love it for what it has.

by superstarseven

15 years, 8 months ago

TBH, I consider myself a SUPER GB fan, but I never Noticed the Twin Towers not being there.

YES the buildings got destroyed on 9/11 some people STILL think it's a big deal. It's not. Get over it it happened a long(enough) time ago. STOP looking for reasons to hate the game and just love it for what it has.

hoo boy, definitely don't agree with that. There were people in those buildings after all.

by skankerzero

15 years, 8 months ago

Well I left some openings for fanfiction writing in the game.

Remember, this is an alternate timeline than ours.

In the firehouse I put keys to the city; 1984,1989, and 1991.

So what happened in 1991? Did it have anything to do with the Twin Towers?

by justinmarkus

15 years, 8 months ago

Want to know something crazy?

I have friends my age, and even some game developers that haven't even seen the movies.

They just know ‘It’s that movie where they catch ghosts, right?'

And these are people that play videogames, into 80s cartoons, etc.

Me too. I'm 19 but I know people who were kids in the early 80s and still haven't seen it. But the beauty of Ghostbusters is that everyone who has seen (and who I've forced to watch it) has at least liked it. Never knew someone who just downright didn't like the movie after actually seeing it.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

TBH, I consider myself a SUPER GB fan, but I never Noticed the Twin Towers not being there.

Why? Because they're NOT suplemental to the story, I don't see what the big deal is. YES the buildings got destroyed on 9/11 some people STILL think it's a big deal. It's not. Get over it it happened a long(enough) time ago. STOP looking for reasons to hate the game and just love it for what it has.

Um… I think you're choosing some pretty poor wording.

The Twin Towers being there is, I agree, not a reason to hate the game. And people complaining about it as if it will lessen gameplay, are yes, being nitpicky.

Saying the buildings got destroyed and that its not a big deal… WRONG. That is not a “get over it” situation. It is a big deal and one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the U.S. Saying “it's not” a big deal is pathetic on your part, sir. I sincerely hope it was just a poor wording choice on your part, because if you seriously feel that 9/11 is not a big deal, I pity your inability to understand the magnitude of that day.

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

hoo boy, definitely don't agree with that. There were people in those buildings after all.

(Let's play: Dig a deeper hole.)

There were tribes of Indians all over America, but you don't see us cutting parts of games out for them do you?

Anyway: That's not the point, who cares that the two towers are missing? The famly of those “People in those building.” would still be greiving. So rather than make some persons mum cry for her lost son by forcing the two towers to be there. Leave them out and for the people who don't have a difficulty seeing ground zero: Ignore the fact that the two buildings are missing. It's not going to change the gameplay in ANY way, it's going to be the Ghostbusters you loved with or without the towers.

Edit: The reason I'm acting like I just don't care about the situation, is because that's my way of dealing with it. Just want you to know.

by skankerzero

15 years, 8 months ago

stop this conversation now.

It's pointless and will derail this thread where people were actually having a discussion.


15 years, 8 months ago

wow Dakera dude pump your breaks you are playing with fire dude and guess what fire will win.

oh and You ARE WRONG!!!!!!!
