2006 Ghostbusters Message Board Christmas Lists

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 3 months ago

Dear Santa Cthulhu-
I want:
• A fully functioning proton pack
• Iron Maiden to play in my den
• A solid gold Harley with machine guns on the front
• Chainsaw hands
• An attack barracuda
• Emeril Lagasse to make me a stack of pancakes, two pieces of bacon, and a way awsome omlette every morning for breakfast
• An army of falsettos to sing me to sleep every night
• An HP Pavilion a1473w with a plasma screen monitor
• An approved credit rating
• An army tank equipped with a flamethrower like in “Apocalypse Now”
• Hitler's brain fragments in a jar of Mountain Dew
• $5,000

by KWilliams

18 years, 3 months ago

Dear Great Pumpkin,

Please deliver the complete rights to the following franchises:
Blues Brothers
Dennis the Menace
and all the money necessary to do what I want when I want with these products and for my family and friends.

Also, can you send all my friends on this message board complete, working GB Equipment, Ecto-1, and a Firehouse for a headquarters.

I think that'll do it.

Oh, and a never-ending supply of those new Hershey's Chocolate Cookies! YUM!!

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 3 months ago

Dear Santa Cthulhu-
I want:
• A fully functioning proton pack
• Iron Maiden to play in my den
• A solid gold Harley with machine guns on the front
• Chainsaw hands
• An attack barracuda
• Emeril Lagasse to make me a stack of pancakes, two pieces of bacon, and a way awsome omlette every morning for breakfast
• An army of falsettos to sing me to sleep every night
• An HP Pavilion a1473w with a plasma screen monitor
• An approved credit rating
• An army tank equipped with a flamethrower like in “Apocalypse Now”
• Hitler's brain fragments in a jar of Mountain Dew
• $5,000

iron maiden. hell yea man, they were the first concert i ever went to. blowed my friggin mind

my wishlist:

*Dimebad Darrel to raise from the dead and have Pantera magically get together to play in my backyard
*a real proton pack of course
*the ooze from ninja turtles
*a bunny suit
*the rights to george lucas's fat ass so i can make him shut up
*and a zombie shooting range

please santa! :p


by gozergirl

18 years, 3 months ago

I wish for..

Silence..or duct tape
Common sense…to give to those who are needy
DOH season 7
Tickets to any and all concerts that i may possibly like to attend
For the GBN to be more active

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 3 months ago

-I wish for the homeless to be feed. And the sick to get well or cured.

- World peace

- Hardcover book ordeal straighten out

- Season 4 of 24


by gbray1

18 years, 3 months ago

Santa Cthulhu is not real

dear Santa over lord xenu

i wish for tom cruise to wither and turn to dust like that Nazi in indiana Jones and the last crusade

a new sword

and a minon

by Dr.D

18 years, 3 months ago

Dear Santa Slimer,
This Christmas I would like

An actual working Proton Pack
The Sattalite of Love
A Lightsaber
The Ecto 1
Bill Murray's Likness Rights

by Dreamstalker

18 years, 3 months ago

Dear Santa Nyarlathotep, I want:
–a working proton pack (barring that, full electronics kits for the replica I hope to build soon)
–winning lottery numbers for the next 5 years
–all the computer upgrades I've been drooling over for the past 2 years but don't have the money for
–there's a firehouse in Arlington that's being converted into condos. I want a guaranteed unit in the building when renovation is complete
–a job

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 3 months ago

gb ray
Santa Cthulhu is not real

by gozergirl

18 years, 3 months ago

aw…it's kinda cute….in an ugly sort of way….