$27 pack,wand,trap,ecto goggle sticker set

by gbdude1011

15 years, 1 month ago

I am doing a run of pack, wand, trap, ecto goggle ticker sets for a wonderful sum of $27.00 plush shipping. I work at a print shop so i am able to get my hands on alot of scrap material. That is why i can sell this so cheap. If you would like to see some pics i would be happy to send them or if you would like to talk via email you can contact me at bankshanktb@yahoo.com or if you would like to speak via cell phone i will email you my number and we can talk. All stickers are printed on white vinyl and laminated with a 2 mill lam. These look great.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 1 month ago

I am doing a run of pack, wand, trap, ecto goggle ticker sets for a wonderful sum of $27.00 plush shipping. I work at a print shop so i am able to get my hands on alot of scrap material. That is why i can sell this so cheap. If you would like to see some pics i would be happy to send them or if you would like to talk via email you can contact me at bankshanktb@yahoo.com or if you would like to speak via cell phone i will email you my number and we can talk. All stickers are printed on white vinyl and laminated with a 2 mill lam. These look great.

Sell them so cheap? They're stickers!

These do not, in any way, ever go for this much. Especially when printed on “scrap material”.

Its nice of you to offer the stickers for sale, but I'd recommend you consider lowering your price. That's a bit astronomical for the sticker set you're offering.

by gbdude1011

15 years, 1 month ago

Just because it is scrap does not mean that is not good material. And a lot of people are selling the pack w/ wand decals for $20 and the trap decal kit for $15 and thats just the pack w/ wand and trap decals not even including the ecto goggles. So for $27 bucks plus shipping i would say that is a pretty good deal. But if you think it is high, its all good.


15 years, 1 month ago

I would say the same.
Whos labels are you using? Kens?

if they were printed on foil maybee it might be about right. . but post a pic so that we can see the quality.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 1 month ago

You can't expect to be taken entirely seriously when your only posts on this site are in your for sale thread (w/ no pictures I might add).

People like to actually see that someone has been around for a bit and is trustworthy, not saying you're not, but it never looks good when someone just signs up for the site to list something for sale.

by gbdude1011

15 years, 1 month ago

I agree with you. And with saying that i will post the pics of the decals. And although i just signed up at gb.net i have been a member on gbfans for several yrs. But anyway here are the pics of the decals. And i will add a set of clippard decals printed on silver metallic w/lam to the first 10 people that order these kits.

by gbdude1011

15 years, 1 month ago

Here are the pics my gb friends.

by Kingpin

15 years, 1 month ago

Those are certainly Ken Heugel's sticker files… I'm curious to know if you've sought his permission to do your run?

by gbdude1011

15 years, 1 month ago

No i have not asked for permission. His files are able to be downloaded in pdf format for free plus i have made changes to his design.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 1 month ago

No i have not asked for permission. His files are able to be downloaded in pdf format for free plus i have made changes to his design.

Just because something can be downloaded for free does not mean you're entitled to sell someone's work.

Its especially frowned upon in the community to do so. Even if you've made changes, you should be letting him know of the changes you've made and asking his permission to sell them. He created the files, not you. Just because you've made some additions/subtractions and cleaned them up to your liking does not suddenly make them “yours”. He did the majority of the work, we're talking like 90% here. Just because you do a 10% clean-up on these does not mean that they suddenly are “your work”.

The emphasis here is on community.

This is no different than if your neighbor had an apple tree, and told you to feel free to pick some apples for yourself, and you picked some apples, cleaned them up, and then sold them on the street in front of your house.

You wouldn't do that without his permission, because it could possibly anger him, and wouldn't be very neighborly of you. It wouldn't promote a sense of community.

You should absolutely ask for his permission immediately.

Let alone you just made it even more absurd to be asking that price, considering the sticker files and free and presumably you're getting the materials for free (judging by “I work at a print shop so i am able to get my hands on alot of scrap material”).