28 Days Later

by NineToesMcGee

21 years, 8 months ago

Has anyone else seen this movie? I think it was released in the UK a while ago. But I saw it a week or two ago and thought it was pretty good. It really could have done without the opening scenes (in the hospital) but overall kicked some mighty ass. Did anyone else catch the Evil Dead tribute?

by LiFeKiLLsMe3390

21 years, 8 months ago

I didnt see it can you tell me what it is about?

by NineToesMcGee

21 years, 8 months ago

Well, when I first saw it I thought they were making a movie adaption of Resident Evil 2, if that helps, so be prepared for some mighty spoilers.

But basically its starts off with these people going into a research facility and freeing some test monkeys. The monkeys are infected with this virus, and when they people let them out, so are all of them. The virus pretty much turns whatever it affects into not quite a zombie in the literal sense, but a person, who runs around killing other people. Like PCP I guess, but worse. Anyways, 28 days later, this dude wakes up in a hospital and is all alone. Instead of looting like I would have done, he goes around looking for people. The problem is he can't find anybody. The whole towns vacant. Then he stumbles upon a group of zombies, then two survivors save his ass, then basically the rest of the movie is them looking for more survivors.

I loved it. It wasn't what I was expecting, I mean the zombies aren't actually dead, but still it's worth checking out.

by newworldorder1

21 years, 8 months ago

im goin to see it friday. Hope i like it. Matrix 2 still best movie of the year. And i saw T3(very damn good movie) and X-Men 2.

by ash1

21 years, 8 months ago

Good movie. Dragged a little bit, but Americans are used to different styles of film. Anyhoo, I enjoyed it. And where was the Evil Dead reference?

by NineToesMcGee

21 years, 8 months ago

I read somewhere (I forget where) that when the one guy thumbs out the zombies eyes, was a tribute to the First Evil Dead movie. I have no clue to the authenticity of it though.

by LiFeKiLLsMe3390

21 years, 8 months ago

Thanks It sounds pretty good its like this 70s movie called warning sign but its with chemicals if you liked 28 days later youll love warning sign and 28 days later sounds like the movie outbreak but with out the zombie affects

by ash1

21 years, 8 months ago

Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD
I read somewhere (I forget where) that when the one guy thumbs out the zombies eyes, was a tribute to the First Evil Dead movie. I have no clue to the authenticity of it though.

Ohhh. Good call man. +5 for you!

by wampaems1

21 years, 8 months ago

28 Days Later is a good movie. Better Than T3 IMO.

by saber_holder

21 years, 8 months ago

I really want to see this… going to see T3 with a friend first though.