3-D Movies? Why?

by bigtwinkie1

16 years, 2 months ago

Is anyone else noticing a large increase in the release of 3D movies as of late? Who thought this was a good idea?

OK, its kinda cool for the kids movies. They get all excited when something jumps off the screen at them but lets not go overboard with it. If we're going to use it, at least have it make sense. We don't need gratuitous shots of Brendan Frasier playing with a yo-yo just to remind us that Hey, its jumping off the screen.

But when we start going to 3D for horror movies, that's just too much. I know that these are a bit of a bigger draw for folks to see the movie in the theaters but that's about it. These don't really translate to home movie versions. I forget which one but as I was going through the laundry list of Friday the 13th films, one of them was in 3D. How did I know even though I couldn't actually see it? Jason kept jabbing things AT the camera and it was annoying as hell.

Why do we need to bring back this version of films? Didn't it already run its course?

by mdp872105

16 years, 2 months ago

I see what you mean, personally I think 3-d movies are awesome and could become the new standard. However they need to stop putting in goofy stuff to show off the 3-d effects. Instead just let the movie progress natraully and give the viewer a more of a “I was there” feel and effect.

by pinkandblack84

16 years, 2 months ago

i understand what your saying as well for me personnally i have never enjoyed a 3-D movie at all its cool to see things jump out at you but i dont want to see it in a movie i just want to enjoy a movie at the cinema and not look stupid wearing 3-D glasses lol.

I do believe that effect has it's place though for comic books they used to be ued frequestly when i was a kid 3-D comics where awesome, as well as Theme Parks i dont mind seeing it there but tbh i dont like it in movies at all.

by rockstar232007

16 years, 2 months ago

I think they should just do the FX shots in 3D, like they did with Harry Potter, IMHO, it would add a little more of an element of suprise. Imagine if they did that with GB1, in the scene where Slimer is flying down the hall to slime Venkman, and comes right at the camera, now that would be a really cool 3D shot.(*peter)

by Nix

16 years, 1 month ago

I think they should just do the FX shots in 3D, like they did with Harry Potter, IMHO, it would add a little more of an element of suprise. Imagine if they did that with GB1, in the scene where Slimer is flying down the hall to slime Venkman, and comes right at the camera, now that would be a really cool 3D shot.(*peter)

Not to mention the Library Ghost, the first firing of the Proton Packs (“What the hell are you DOING?!”), Gozer's lightning, the Squid Ghost, and Slimer's appearance at the end.

by demonaz

16 years, 1 month ago

Better than Smell-o-vision.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 1 month ago

3D was a big hit in the 80s, and a lot of 80s stuff are coming back lol. That's all I've got…

Really though, it's popular with kids, and I guess to some adults. I mean, I enjoyed the Terminator 2: 3D Attraction at Universal Studios, but I'm not sure I would want to see a whole 2-hour film that's 3D like that. Ok, maybe, if it was Terminator or something sci-fi like.

Although it would be cool to see full movies like Terminator 2, Ghostbusters or RoboCop in 3D. Films like Rocky would probably not work well in 3D, and they might start turning films like that in 3D, which there really is no point too, because it's more enjoyable when you're just watching and not having Rocky punch you in the face every 5 seconds lol.

by Nix

16 years, 1 month ago

I have The Polar Express in 3D at home, and it's pretty good, even if the whole movie doesn't need to be in 3D (though the shot of the engine's cow-catcher coming toward you at the beginning is worth the price of admission). It might have benefitted more from the Pulfrich effect (here, one lens is clear and the other is a dark gray color) rather than the standard anaglyph (red/cyan) lenses.

You know what else would be cool in 3D? Vigo's scenes in Ghostbusters II, with his big, fat head floating right at you in the theater.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 1 month ago

This month's Rue Morgue magazine has a nifty little article on 3D horror movies as well as a big write up about the original “Valentine's Day” and the remake. I f'ing hate remakes, but I'll be damned if I'll be the first in line to see the new one.

by JokerSmells

16 years, 1 month ago

I Like 3D! i can't wait for “My Bloody Valentine”.