360 magazine

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 9 months ago

any ghostbuster hater is just a sad little virgin with no sense of humour, how can a film sooooo succesful be over rated, its just a really stupid thing to say, but gotta respect opinions i guess,

and the theme lol is sooooooo awesome, like you said kingpin, jeloussssssss

I grew up in a school pretty much full of GB haters (except for one guy who came in grade 5 and he is my best friend), after a while you just let it slide off and learn to ignore them.

by RickyM

15 years, 9 months ago

yep apsolutley

by rodie1

15 years, 9 months ago

I've honestly never met someone that said they didn't like Ghostbusters.

by winston18

15 years, 9 months ago

I have never met anyone who didn't like Ghostbusters, some people I know haven't seen it and no one I know is as into it as me but they all like the movie. Someone somewhere will ALWAYS hate what you like, it really doesn't matter.

by RickyM

15 years, 9 months ago

i no a few people who have never seen it, and will never watch it simply cuz of the name of the film, u no few people who dnt believe in ghosts so hate anything with ghost in the name lol ahhh well there loss i say, but yeah someone somewhere HAS to be different,

by RoyKarrde

15 years, 9 months ago

One thing the Game Industry has alot of, is diverse opinions. There are going to be alot of positive reviews coming out in the next two months, and a few negatives. Some times the negatives are how the person feels, sometimes they are indicative of the game, and some times they are people trying to drive traffic and sales.

My suggestion would be to avoid all reviews and previews for the next few months as the final build comes out and is passed around the various reviewing agencies. It will just cause a lot of un-necessary worrying and anger for a game that we are all going to get and love.

by demonaz

15 years, 9 months ago

I really don't care about the good reviews. Sure, they offer good insight but I can see for myself that the game is going to be good (I even played it at NYCCC). However, I always pay attention to the bad reviews because a good writer (an unbiased one) will legitimately point out certain flaws within the game and it is always worth reading. However, it irks me that some professional reviewers don't even do this and trash the game with no legit cause. That is what gets me. However, we will have that everywhere.

by winston18

15 years, 9 months ago

I really don't care about the good reviews. Sure, they offer good insight but I can see for myself that the game is going to be good (I even played it at NYCCC). However, I always pay attention to the bad reviews because a good writer (an unbiased one) will legitimately point out certain flaws within the game and it is always worth reading. However, it irks me that some professional reviewers don't even do this and trash the game with no legit cause. That is what gets me. However, we will have that everywhere.
I understand what you are saying but sometimes a game is good enough that there is no reason to nitpick anything, you don't have to list complaints to be unbiased. Some games just have no glaring weakness.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

I have learned, by looking at what can be seen, is that anything that is good or you know something is going to be good….half the population will hate it.

Half the population will say it is “over-rated” and such. (I am still not understanding this term by the way they use it. Seems anything that is popular is “over-rated.”)

So if anyone says “over-rated” then I will know that this game is awesome.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;139724
I have learned, by looking at what can be seen, is that anything that is good or you know something is going to be good….half the population will hate it.

Half the population will say it is “over-rated” and such. (I am still not understanding this term by the way they use it. Seems anything that is popular is “over-rated.”)

So if anyone says “over-rated” then I will know that this game is awesome.

Heh, well, then, if thats the case, then the movie is awesome… Though I think we all already know that. I kinda suspect that the guy who Kingpin wrote about will probably say that about the game though, so it'll be awesome, though again, we already know that.