360 owners question

by slim

15 years, 9 months ago

I think it's quite a shame for us to stress because of an hardware disfunction…

agreed…. you pay so much for the system you would think they could make them a little more stable

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

All systems suffer from bugs in the beginning.

It is only after a true field test does the system get a good run and see what is wrong wit them.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 9 months ago

Hopefully, their next system wont need a 4 year field test, eh?

They've never had a truly successful field test of their equipment.

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

I think they knew this would happen as they were using crappy components for the console to make beneficials on it.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

I think they knew this would happen as they were using crappy components for the console to make beneficials on it.

I wouldn't really say that now. Because ever game developers miss a bug or two in there games. Not enough incompany tests can be done to prove every possible outcome.

It is also possible that things only occur after an extended use and might not show up the first few times you play with it.

Hopefully, their next system wont need a 4 year field test, eh?

They've never had a truly successful field test of their equipment.

*hands you my extra internet point* That's for making me laugh.

It might make them a little wiser by what they use in the next system they make. Again like above, somethings slip by that not even testers catch. I remember the original xbox had a problem with the disc tray and so they had to make a xbox v2.0 with a different disc tray and small hardware changes.

I don't know much about playstation problems as I never come across them nor have I had any Nintendo problems. In fact, some of my Nintendo products went through hell and are still working today.

Sometimes things don't occur until someone really puts the component in a full extensive run. It's like glass or tires. They all differ in way that even a single invisible crack could be present and somewhere down the line can cause major problems.

by doe_ray_egon1

15 years, 9 months ago

I lay mine down and put a book under it so air can go under and around the 360

by fusi0n1

15 years, 9 months ago

I read somewhere that it was mentioned during testing about the faulty component part (ie. cheap part) that was used, and it heating up. The Big Wigs wanted the system out then and there so decided against it. Hope they're all sacked now.

EVERYONE I know with an Xbox360 has had the RROD, which is a shame as it's a great system that's going to be dogged forever with this problem.

Just be thankful you've actually had the RROD problem if you have, as they extended the warranty to a 3 year period, and if you're outside of that period and it happens you have to fork out yourself to repair it.

Back on topic to the OP, mine is laying down on it's side and haven't had a problem (apart from the RROD after about a year). And that's only because of the cabinet that it's in. (I may see if I can rearrange the side of the cabinet, it just means I'll have to stand up my PS2, which isn't a problem… however the VCR will have to go on it's side too… that would seem… odd.)