360 vs PS3

by below_radar_00

15 years, 9 months ago

Hey Guys (and Gals),

Hopefully this thread isn't anywhere else on this forum. I did a bit of searching and couldn't find it…

I'm looking at getting either a 360 of a PS3 in the next 60 days so I can play the next-gen version of the game. Right now I only have the Wii. I know the game is identical on 360 and PS3 but will there be any graphical differences between the two. I'm under the impression that PS3 plays games in Hi-Def whereas 360 doesn't. Can someone educate me here? I'm sure there's a few others here that are wondering that same thing…

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Both systems are perfectly capable of playing games in Hi Def. Personally I thinking that the decision really boils down on what you plan on doing with the system AFTER Ghostbusters…but then again I am not picky when it comes to graphics / looks of a game.

Both systems have an equal amount of pros and cons to them.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 9 months ago

Both systems are perfectly capable of playing games in Hi Def. Personally I thinking that the decision really boils down on what you plan on doing with the system AFTER Ghostbusters…but then again I am not picky when it comes to graphics / looks of a game.

Both systems have an equal amount of pros and cons to them.

Pretty much agree with James here, they are both good game systems in their own right, its as “Yahtzee” put it best “This is the most balanced generation of the bunch, it down to what you personally want from a console.”

by Shandor

15 years, 9 months ago

Each console has a few exclusive titles so I'd check out the game libraries and see what suits you better. Also remember that the PS3 plays blu-rays, if that interests you. Personally I like the 360 controller better, but everyone's different. Go to a game store and see which feels best to you. Ghostbusters TVG will probably look and sound equally as great on both systems

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Personally I like the 360 controller better

You just reminded me of something that is totally off topic. I do not know if they still sell them or even make them still or not but I remember about the time that the PS3 went onto the market that a third party company was selling adapter kits to allow you to use a 360 contoller on a PS3. Essentially it was a device that snapped onto the back of the console that acted as a adapter for the signal 360's controller signal for use on a PS3. The spiffy thing was this device also acted as the Axis thing the PS3 contollers have…

Sorry…was just reminded of that…don't know how well they worked…but since I haven't seen them in awhile I would assume not very well at all…

by rockstar232007

15 years, 9 months ago

Both systems are perfectly capable of playing games in Hi Def. Personally I thinking that the decision really boils down on what you plan on doing with the system AFTER Ghostbusters…but then again I am not picky when it comes to graphics / looks of a game.

Both systems have an equal amount of pros and cons to them.
Actually? (and I'm not saying this as a ‘fanboy’) the 360 has A LOT more cons than the PS3. Well, maybe not a lot more, but it definitely isn't very reliable.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Everyone has had there own experiences with there game consoles. Mine with my 360 has been overwhelmingly positive. The only real problem I have ever had is a single RROD but that was my fault in retrospect and a HD failure but thats about it.

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

I had two RODD and now my warranty is finished. I'm quite afraid.

I'd say PS3 because it's the one I play and I like the most but that's totally subjective.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 9 months ago

I had two RODD and now my warranty is finished. I'm quite afraid.

I'd say PS3 because it's the one I play and I like the most but that's totally subjective.

I had two RROD on me myself. but even without the warranty, MS couldnt have been more happy to replace it and even renewed my warranty, maybe the Canadian incarnation of MS is just…nicer I suppose :S

by robbritton

15 years, 9 months ago

I just had to buy a new 360 because Microsoft were so utterly hopeless in sorting out collection for me, even though I'm within warranty. I am in England though, but neither their box, nor their electronic label ever showed up after three requests. For £130 though, I'm not too bothered.

I say get whichever one has the exclusive games you'd really like. That's why i stick with the xbox.