Scott Sommer;139560
…..fanboy much? lol just poking fun. Just so we are on friendly terms I am not bashing the PS3. The system just never interested me…..yet. I know it has good games like MGS4, and a few others, but they just don't peak my interest enough. I am having more fun with Halo, Gears, Fable, and others. In fact I am still having too much fun with my PS2 with .hack and kingdom hearts I and II.
Anyway, just a quick notion and this goes to all game systems. What is the point of a feature if you don't use it? If you don't use the six-axis for more than one or two games, then why have the six-axis at all? There have been problem with the PS3 such as hardware problems including I one that is similar to the RROD, but also software problems where some updates actually erased all your data and crashed the PS3.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am a simplistic gamer. I grew up playing Atari 2600 and the NES consoles and such. I didn't really care for the features of a game system that goes beyond playing games so I never really cared for “It plays DVDs” and what not.
So again preference, but I think one shouldn't just buy the system because “OMG IT IS A PS3!!! or xbox or what not.” You should buy it for the games.
We are gamers….not console-ers.
I see you have adopted my philosophy pretty hardcore eh?