360 vs PS3

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;139560
…..fanboy much? lol just poking fun. Just so we are on friendly terms I am not bashing the PS3. The system just never interested me…..yet. I know it has good games like MGS4, and a few others, but they just don't peak my interest enough. I am having more fun with Halo, Gears, Fable, and others. In fact I am still having too much fun with my PS2 with .hack and kingdom hearts I and II.

Anyway, just a quick notion and this goes to all game systems. What is the point of a feature if you don't use it? If you don't use the six-axis for more than one or two games, then why have the six-axis at all? There have been problem with the PS3 such as hardware problems including I one that is similar to the RROD, but also software problems where some updates actually erased all your data and crashed the PS3.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am a simplistic gamer. I grew up playing Atari 2600 and the NES consoles and such. I didn't really care for the features of a game system that goes beyond playing games so I never really cared for “It plays DVDs” and what not.

So again preference, but I think one shouldn't just buy the system because “OMG IT IS A PS3!!! or xbox or what not.” You should buy it for the games.

We are gamers….not console-ers.

I see you have adopted my philosophy pretty hardcore eh?

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

I see you have adopted my philosophy pretty hardcore eh?

*wink wink*

Indeed I have and it has served me well, my friend.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 10 months ago

When I realized about a next generation GB game back in september 2007, I decided to buy a console (I knew I must to have that game), but deciding between PS3, XB360 and Wii was a hard work.
-PS3 has the blu-ray, not too many great games list and it´s the expensive one.
-XB360 has Halo, BioShock (only on XB360 by then), Gears of War; it´s cheaper than the PS3 but with that RROD curse.
-Wii … too many kiddie games, it´s “interactive”, and not to expensive.

Never played any before buying (I quit playing videogames about a decade ago) and in xmas that year I decided to buy the XB360 (the green Halo 3 version, which included the game).
I´m very satisfied with it, the RROD haven´t came on almost 16 months of use, I love the games (Halos, BioShock, Gears of War, Monster Madness), and I have had several hours of entertainment alone or with my wife or friends.

IMO, I think I got the best console.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

I see what you mean but there's also plenty of very good game comparable to the Xbox Library.
Most Xbox owners come with the “Halo / GoW / Bioshock” argument, which is easily counter-attackable with, let's say, Killzone/Resistance, Uncharted/GoWIII / MAG“…

It's really up to anyone to choose, I'm just pushing up for the PS3 as I feel I've been ”betrayed" by MS: Bought the console at thevery begining (400€ back then for a 20Go with no game + 2 x RROD (I didn't get any free Xbox Live) + other hardware problems with the controllers' batteries) …

ps: is there a wifi antenna inside the console now?

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

It's really up to anyone to choose, I'm just pushing up for the PS3 as I feel I've been “betrayed” by MS: Bought the console at thevery begining (400€ back then for a 20Go with no game + 2 x RROD (I didn't get any free Xbox Live) + other hardware problems with the controllers' batteries) …

Hmmm….well I apologies for not clarifying something. I have been an XBL member since it first started. I have gone through several name changes, but it is the same account.

I got the XBL free because I was a member and I missed 10 days of XBL because of this. So they gave me 2 extra months to make up for it.

As for the Halo versus Killzone argument…like I said it is preference. In terms of Ghostbusters between the 360 version and PS3 version, they are both more or less the same and you won't truely lose anything no matter what version you buy.

by RickyM

15 years, 10 months ago

its very hard to take opinions when buying a console, i had this dilemma myself, which one, ps3 or xbox 360, now playstation had the advantage cuz ive owned both ps1 ps2, and i have had xbox, the ps controller was my MAIN attraction, fits my hand perfect, and just feels more comfy, i eventually got the xbox afterwards and the controll i hated, just didnt feel right for me, so that made my decision, i sold my xbox with a week, simply due to ps owning my preferd controller, thats it, the controller won me, simple, every1 has a preference, so its hard to just say which is better, theres all sorts to take into account, its soley due to preference

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

I see what you mean but there's also plenty of very good game comparable to the Xbox Library.
Most Xbox owners come with the “Halo / GoW / Bioshock” argument, which is easily counter-attackable with, let's say, Killzone/Resistance, Uncharted/GoWIII / MAG"…

Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, Lost Odyssey….would love to hear the counter point to that one

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

Don't forget Arcade games either.

Castle Crashers FTW!

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 10 months ago

…and don´t forget an excellent online service and a great phone help to costumers.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

Geez… Do I really have to do that James -_-' We could both throw games' name over and over so we should stop here and NO it's not an argument because I'd be without exemples.
And there are arcade games on the PSN as well.

And why would we need a good customer phone service when the console is reliable :p (joking here)