360 vs PS3

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;139610
Nope, just the yellow light of death.

Seriously though, why do people continue to use this argument? Yeah is was bad in the beginning but it has been fixed now. The RROD rarely happens now.

I don't have a 360, so I didn't know.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 10 months ago

I bought the Halo edition 360 two years ago, never had a RROD yet (knock on wood).

Same here, I bought that version and still no RROD (yet).

by rockstar232007

15 years, 10 months ago

Same here, I bought that version and still no RROD (yet).
Nobody ever said that ALL 360s were pieces of crap, but the odds of getting ones that are, are too high (IMHO). I do admit, that the 360 is one hell of a good console, but NOT when it comes to reliability. And the biggest thing that I don't get is, why so many people go through 4, 5, or even 6 of consoles, and still continue to deal with them? I know A LOT (about 20-30) of people, who have a 360, PS3, or both, and almost every one of them had to replace their 360s 2 or more times, while their PS3s (first edition) are still going strong, and that's with constant heavy use, which is about 5 strait hours of gameplay/movies a day.

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

And the biggest thing that I don't get is, why so many people go through 4, 5, or even 6 of consoles, and still continue to deal with them?

Probably the same reason people went through just as many PS2s and PS1s. Because of the games.

Xbox Live is a thing of beauty. I love chatting with friends over mic even though we're playing different games.

Every generation will have it's problematic system; especially since converting to disk systems.
PS1 - Poor ventilation would overheat the system
PS2 - Drive errors
360 - Overheating causes a solder point to come loose

The 360s defect just has a fancy name, that's why you hear about it so much, but at least Microsoft backs up their hardware.

I could look for the quote from the Sony boss where he says (at the time) if the PSP or PS3 had problems that people will just have to buy another and that they will because they will want to play the games Sony has.

I only have a PS3 because we got them as gifts from work one Christmas. Several of the guys at work have had the drive errors happen to them and from only moderate use. I'm afraid to watch dvds / Blue Rays (it's main use) on there because of the drive error and I've already committed to Blue Ray. It would be expensive to replace.

My first generation Elite red ringed, but after a solid 2 weeks of use because of Saints Row 2. My roommate would play non stop when I was at work, I would play as soon as I got home and well into the night, then my other friend would play non stop on the weekends. I just went back to Best Buy and exchanged it the same day because I bought the warranty.

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

You got a Playstation 3 from work as a Christmas bonus?

I so hate you, Jesse.

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

and a Wii. Or as I call it, my big, white dust magnet.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

and a Wii. Or as I call it, my big, white dust magnet.

I play mine as much as I play my 360, and yeah, I'm not really big on Sony, to bad they hold the GB license, which reminds me, if they try to make you put SecuRom on the PC version, don't let them.

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;139666
I play mine as much as I play my 360, and yeah, I'm not really big on Sony, to bad they hold the GB license, which reminds me, if they try to make you put SecuRom on the PC version, don't let them.

I sold back all my wii games two weekends ago, except MadWorld.

Atari makes the call when it comes to the DRM software for the PC version.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

I sold back all my wii games two weekends ago, except MadWorld.

Atari makes the call when it comes to the DRM software for the PC version.

Hopefully Atari makes the right move, cause if they even think about putting SecuRom on the PC version, it'll get pirated to hell and back.

by LadyAkuma

15 years, 10 months ago

My vote goes to the 360. First off, I refuse to pay over 600 bucks for a system where a good chunk of it's games are gonna be ported anyways, and I'm not getting it for MGS4. I had one RROD, took mine apart, tried to fix it, gave up and sent it to Microsoft.

They replaced it, and sent a new one. That's after I broke the security seal on the inside. Now THAT'S dedication. That is why I stick with 360.