5 reasons GBTVG is the family friendly Left 4 Dead

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

I highly recommend at least giving Left 4 Dead a try even if you don't buy the full version, the campaigns are frustrating and can be super evil… but they sure are fun.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

Left 4 Dead is indeed awesome and it will soon get even better with some DLC on the way.

by OniellFord

15 years, 10 months ago

I know my words don't matter here anymore but… I've had the chance to buy L4D a couple times before, but in the end I kept trying to decide if I should really get it or not.

I mean, I did like it but… (Not trying to start the old flame war again) I thought, In my honest opinion, that it would be better off as a Cloverfield video game. But since it was successful in general, I think it is a good sign that a Cloverfield game could actually happen.

Who knows. *shrugs*

But still, L4D looks like a good game to play. I played the demo and I think it is a must have for many people who are into the horror-survival genre.