50/50 chance GB3 will be made

by RealGhstbstr

21 years, 7 months ago

The new comic is coming out this fall, which leads me to believe that a GB3 is very much possible. If the comic is popular enough and there is enough demand for a new GB movie, it may actually happen. There have been a lot of rumors since a new GB installment was talked about in 1996. But Dan Ackroyd seemed interested. But there are a few problems with my theory. One it that the original actors (Ackroyd, Murray, Ramis, Hudson, Potts, Moranis, Weaver) have gotten older and may not be interested. Plus, they have gained some more weight (Ackroyd, Ramis)
This all means that Sony doesn't want to waste money (I don't think they would be) on a new GB movie and risk looking like fools if it flops. Another problem is how are they going to come up with a good enough script to persuade Sony. As you can see, there are more problems than sure-fire answers. But only thing that can really make the chances better, are buying the comic and demanding a new movie whether it is on the internet (via website or chat room) or on the streets. Some people are claiming that GB is dying and people are going to forget about it. (Harry Potter will be forgotten) That's not true. Trust me, one way or another, a GB3 WILL be made.

by OddTodd

21 years, 7 months ago

I like to see the optimistic point of view you've got there, but I honestly don't think that Ghostbusters 3 will ever be made.

by RealGhstbstr

21 years, 7 months ago

I'm not sure either, but I do think there is still a chance

by OddTodd

21 years, 7 months ago

Yes, there is still a chance, and I hope that it happens. I'm just saying that I have doubts, and rather large doubts they are.

by Ghost_of_Denver

21 years, 7 months ago

I think GB would work better as a live-action TV show. The problem I had with the second movie is that it didn't really advance anything, just did more of the same. That wouldn't be a problem on a TV show where you could focus on the characters and have different interesting busts every week. TV would also be a good platform for new GBs where as the movies would probably be too big a risk. Furthermore, the technology is now cheap and easy.

by RealGhstbstr

21 years, 7 months ago

Hopefully. we'll see the guys back again

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 7 months ago

Take a look around. 80's nostalgia is getting bigger everyday. And if the comics and other products do good and the demand is high. Then Sony will jump on GB3 sooner or later. All in good time my friends. Good things come to those who wait.

by RealGhstbstr

21 years, 7 months ago

I know. And last night I was watching this show called Bonzai on Fox, and the shake hands man(some guy on the show) was shaking hands with Bill Murray. And the chinese guy even said WHO YA GONNA CALL So many people know about Ghostbusters. We just have to wait

by Maverick

21 years, 7 months ago

The problem isn't with Sony, the problem isn't with the guys being older. The problem is the rights issue. Dan Aykroyd does not want to do a GB3 without Murray. Murray loves Ghostbusters so much that he doesn't want to disappoint his fans if the movie turned out to be a disaster of epic proportions. Which is extremely understandable. You wouldn't want Ghostbusters to have a crappy sequel like Cruel Intentions did? or like Batman Forever and Batman and Robin do you? This is how Murray sees it, he isn't willing to risk it.

The Comic coming out might give the franchise more attention, but since Murray owns part of the rights to the Ghostbuster films, I seriously doubt he'll change his mind. Sure there is always a chance, but don't be too optimistic about that.

I think the future of Ghostbusters best lies in the path it is currently in, comics.

Take care everyone.


by dave2

21 years, 7 months ago

Although I'd still love to see a third film, I don't see it happening - nice to see someone who's being positive about the prospect of it being made though.

I think the only real chance of another film would ultimately not only depend on the popularity of the comic, but also the popularity of the other GB-related products being released - even then, I'm still not convinced all of the guys would be interested in another film.

But who knows, eh?