50/50 chance GB3 will be made

by RealGhstbstr

21 years, 7 months ago

Probably. Murray is probably the only thing holding it back right now

by BritishGB

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, as Dr. Venkman says: Call it fate…Call it…Call it whatever you want… I believe Ghostbusters 3 was not meant to be in 1998. I believe that it would become a complete failure. But in 2004 and further, the idea will look better and better…And in at least in 2004 or 2005, we WILL hear from Dan for GB3, and it won't be yet another possibility n' stuff, but an official announcement. Ghostbusters are coming back to clean up the town m8s…

This is what I believe (or what I want to believe).

by RealGhstbstr

21 years, 7 months ago

I beleive that it will happen

by ajquick1

21 years, 7 months ago

The chances are closer to 0/100

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 7 months ago

AJ Quick
The chances are closer to 0/100

Umm, I wouldnt go that far. Anything is possible in Hollywood.

by Kingpin

21 years, 7 months ago

Not really, there'd probably have to be significant intrest in GB for a third movie, and so far Sony's concentrating on things that will make it money, quick. Like MIB3 for example, they're only doing it to milk the franchise while it's still popular, just try to get a fourth MIB in 20 years.

by AG

21 years, 7 months ago

The new comic is coming out this fall, which leads me to believe that a GB3 is very much possible. If the comic is popular enough and there is enough demand for a new GB movie, it may actually happen. There have been a lot of rumors since a new GB installment was talked about in 1996. But Dan Ackroyd seemed interested. But there are a few problems with my theory. One it that the original actors (Ackroyd, Murray, Ramis, Hudson, Potts, Moranis, Weaver) have gotten older and may not be interested. Plus, they have gained some more weight (Ackroyd, Ramis)
This all means that Sony doesn't want to waste money (I don't think they would be) on a new GB movie and risk looking like fools if it flops. Another problem is how are they going to come up with a good enough script to persuade Sony. As you can see, there are more problems than sure-fire answers. But only thing that can really make the chances better, are buying the comic and demanding a new movie whether it is on the internet (via website or chat room) or on the streets. Some people are claiming that GB is dying and people are going to forget about it. (Harry Potter will be forgotten) That's not true. Trust me, one way or another, a GB3 WILL be made.

1. It's Aykroyd, not Ackroyd
2. Sorry but according to me the comic book won't help nor work against the eventual new movie. From my point of view it's just like the LSP games…nothing more, nothing less. “It's coming…” blah-blah-blah
3. The one thing that still makes me laugh is this naive faith that great script for GB3 would persuade Sony to make the movie. “Aykroyd wrote a bad script”, “Murray doesn't want to do the movie” (and prefers to play in such embarassing craps like Osmosis Jones instead). Wake up! These are fairy-tales for good boys, teenage geeks. *It doesn't work that way*. Shitty scripts like MIB2 or non-existent scripts like Charlie's Monsters 2 were green-lit because the studio saw the potential in those franchises.
They don't see it in GB anymore.
Moreover Terminator 3 with lower than expected box-office prooved that it's better to do new movies instead of bringing back hits from the eighties on the big screen (but they can do it as staright to dvd, see my other post)
That was the reality check 4U.
4. “Harry Potter will be forgotten” - I have to learn this sentence by heart!
Dude, you're a poet.
5. Sorry for those harsh words, but I think they needed to be said.

by OddTodd

21 years, 7 months ago

Moreover Terminator 3 with lower than expected box-office prooved that it's better to do new movies instead of bringing back hits from the eighties on the big screen (but they can do it as staright to dvd, see my other post)

Almost all movies this year had lower than expected box-office. It was just a bad year for movies altogether.

by AG

21 years, 7 months ago

Check out Matrix 2, Pirates of Whatever, X-Men 2. Look for Return of the King and M Revolutions.

Those movies easily passed/will pass 200 m. mark which is a new standard for the mega-hit.

T3 with 180-m-budget and Gigantic promotion was expected to be 200 m. passer. Not a chance for that. It won't go even beyond 150 m.

Aykroyd planned GB3's budget for around 120 m. In this light that would be a kamikaze-run for Sony.

by AG

21 years, 7 months ago

What really killed any chances for the theatrical GB3 was the fatal box office of BB2000. Dan wanted 50m budget for this movie. He got 30. The movie bombed.