50/50 chance GB3 will be made

by OddTodd

21 years, 7 months ago

BTW, Terminator 3 is the 10th highest grossing film so far this year… So it didnt do that bad.

by AG

21 years, 7 months ago

Of course it didn't do BAD, but it didn't do GREAT. And it was set to do GREAT. It's hard to imagine Matrix Revolutons or ROTK to earn under 200 m, isn't it?

And…once upon a time Terminator (2) was as big as those movies.
With T3 they tried to ressurect it. They did everyting. They put in the movie itself and advertising a lot more money than in Matrix Revoultions or even ROTK, but it ended with those 130 m bucks.

Now they're counting…“if T3 goes under 150 m in US (having budget of 180 + 50 m bucks for advertising) is it safe to do Conan 3???”

Once upon a time they do the counting for GB3. “If BB2000 was a major flop…You know the rest…”

by AG

21 years, 7 months ago

You know, I think Bill Murray would LOVE to do GB3 if paid 15 m bucks for it. The real problem is Sony won't give him such a sum anymore.
Let's face it: the so-called star power of Murray faded. His last movies were unsuccesful. He gets more and more supporting cast roles.
As always it's about money. I think Sony can throw 5-8 m bucks for straight to dvd sequel with the new cast, but not 120 m bucks into very risky (from financial point of view) project.

I think this “Murray doesn't want to do it” is just an excuse, for Dan, Reitman (who's Evolution was a box office diseaster), Harold (Analyze That bombed). Murray doesn't want to do it for few bucks, that's all. He doesn't want to do it in a vein of Honey We Shrunk Ourselves.

I think that sooner or later there will be Ghostbusters Nex Gen.

by Donatello

21 years, 7 months ago

I said, and I say again : I don't want to do a third movie ! Thanks ! No autograph.

by protoK

21 years, 7 months ago

^^is this guy for real, or just someone trying to be cute?

by river_of_slime

21 years, 7 months ago

Look Sony would GB3 if only Bill said yes the only reason they turn down Gb3 in 1999 is that they didnt have enough money to produce the film and same as MIB2. But 2 yrs later MIB2 was in pre production b/c Sony had enough money. Also Bill did agree to Gb3 but as i state again Sony didnt have the money and now they do so we got to see if Bill will give up his rights for a third movie also u got GB 20th coming up and i know theres some sweet stuff coming out this yr and next yr that deals with Gb's

by texasgb1

21 years, 7 months ago

I would like to comment on the BB2K remarks. I agree that the Box office was a disappointment. I think it did bad at the box office for several reasons. First being Titantic(the #1 money making film of all time) was its competition. Secondly Universal descided to do it without Jim Belushi. This was a mistake. But if you look at the franchise overall for this project it made a descent sum of money. Domestically the fild did not do very well, but it did very well interntaionally. Video sales were not bad and the CD sales were fabulous(Over 1 million). So when everything is looked at the franchise made money beyond the film. There is often more to a franchise than the film itself. Now reguarding GB3, everyone knows it has the potential to make HUGE money. It the project is managed well there is no doubt it would be a huge bread winner. With the talent on the GB projects in the past that is really not a problem. Aykroyd needs to be involved with the writing but someone like Conan or Harold needs to be there to help out. A young leading cast should be established with supporting roles from the origional cast.

by Donatello

21 years, 7 months ago

Okay ! Maybe I'll change my decision !

by exorcist313

21 years, 7 months ago

Hey its possible since like all the comics are becoming movies:"X-Men 1-2, LXG, Hellboy, Punisher, Hulk, Spider Man, Superman, Batman, and Bluntman and Chronic…oops. And with GB being such a Cult hit it does have a hell of a chance!

Tell him Steve-Dave!

by drvenkman3

21 years, 7 months ago

You tell 'em Exorcist!!