Naw, Winston777 or 777 to some members was a member who did GBsims site and then he would harrass them to go visit it or to trade links in some cases but he would also verbially cuss out the mods on the boards or aim. Some he went crazy and got banned threated tohack the site, aswell, so he would go on mnay sn and harrass and warn the mods , aswell. Plus he had multiple sn's and so on. Last I har from him personally, he was wanting to be a preacher and he was doing an Anti-GB program or site, plus doin the “Savior thing” , too.
Kingdom_Hearts or Sameraijack, is a whole anothe rwannabe hacker that probably tried to hack GBN or GBNS or so on. He wasn't all that bad but however he did spam the boards and cuss lot on the boards before he was banned , he came out with another user name, Heavymetal or something like that. He was banned again and he came out with Gothicme, banned again and so he came up with Kingdom_hearts, spammed the boards and harassed members , aswell. He also has a hacking site, aswell, then banned. He has came back as Chololate Milk now.