777 is Back

by boholbrook1

21 years, 5 months ago

I disapprove of ANYTHING that hinders this community in any way. Chad and his chronies are a hinderance. Also the stupidty that runs rampant on this board hinders it as well. This is indirectly caused by him. His manner of running things only furthers himself and no one else. You and your “Ilk” only listen to whatever he says because of his stature and you know at the drop of a hat he'd snatch all this away from you just to “Teach you a lesson” to quote when he did it to me. You're like addicts constantly coming back to your dealer perpetually afraid if you do the wrong thing he'll take away your fix. Thats why you all follow Chad, fear and ignorance. Because when you know what he is TRUELY like you'd never support anything he does at all.

Oh, and being around for 7 plus years in this community doesn't make me an 800 pound gorilla. It makes me a LEGEND.

by brianreilly

21 years, 5 months ago

Bo Holbrook
Me, Proton Charger, Brian Reilly. You all sit there so friggin' terrified that one of us old trouble makers will come back and shatter this pathetic microcosmos you all have fashioned for yourselves as a means to get away from your own painful social lives or lack of, That you completely MISS the fact there are OTHER idiots who are spamming the hell out of the goddamned board doing much worse things than me and my crew could EVER do.

I'm part of Bo's crew! :-)

You and your “Ilk” only listen to whatever he says because of his stature and you know at the drop of a hat he'd snatch all this away from you just to “Teach you a lesson” to quote when he did it to me. You're like addicts constantly coming back to your dealer perpetually afraid if you do the wrong thing he'll take away your fix.

Before anyone says anything, I'd like to state that this is probably the most accurate metaphor I've ever heard for this board.

by toygeek1

21 years, 5 months ago

Bo Holbrook
Oh, and being around for 7 plus years in this community doesn't make me an 800 pound gorilla. It makes me a LEGEND.

Ha. Being here for seven years only means two things. The first, being that you've had no life for longer than some of the rest of the folks around here. The second, that you have a very small “comfort zone”…which just goes to prove one of my points from earlier.

And just to keep things straight, I have said MANY times that there are a lot of things that Chad does that I disagree with, however, like it or not he is still the one with final say around here, so instead of wasting all my time bitching and moaning, I try to affect positive change. I do not and WILL not blindly follow, and that includes following you people.

If you want to know what is a true “hinderance to the community”, look in the mirror. The constant whining about how bad things are with no real action to try and help make things better. THAT does more damage to this place than anything Chad has ever done.

I'll let you in on a little secret…I'm not the world's biggest Ghostbusters fan. Sure, I like them…but this place could close, and I wouldn't bat an eye. I just come by because it's something to do, and there really are some quality people hanging around. It's much more in YOUR best interest to try and help than it is mine.

by Kingpin

21 years, 5 months ago

Would we be willing to allow back SamuraiJack/Kingdom Hearts? Not that the little fact of him being a member again affects anything. I just wanted to raise awareness…and sure there was bitching…

Just saying that some people never change. And alright, Bo, ToyGeek, we can wait and see.

Now can we stop the bickering? How old are we?

If I wanted to see bickering, I'd watch some crap kid's show on ITV or BBC1

by BlueWaveGB

21 years, 5 months ago

To bad he didnt come a week ago, we couldve made him a mod.

Seriously dude…how much are you gonna pout before we're done hearing about it? It's not gonna change anything, and it's getting pretty annoying…

Dude you seem to care just as much about what I say. As much as I care about the lack of experience.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 5 months ago

Toygeek, you are a stupid stupid man. Do you even KNOW that I have a message board? THAT is what I do to help the community you idiot. I give people an ALTERNATIVE. Your refusal to acknowledge my board shows the ignorance and fear that runs rampant here. I remember awhile back no one dared mention my board's name. They kept saying “That other board”.

What the hell have you done you little twit? NOTHING. You've never made a Ghostbusters website, never made a message board, never lobbied to get Chad kicked out NOTHING. You're one of those people who sit on the fence waiting for the fight to be over and then take the side of whoever wins. You only SAY you do something when all you really do is talk. When you actually BUILD something you can talk to me about what I do for the community dickhead.

by toygeek1

21 years, 5 months ago

Hmm…I think I hit a nerve.

Yes, I know you have a board…it's not my cup of tea, but to each his own. I was talking about THIS board. If your board is so great, why not stay there, why come here just to piss in the pool? I don't refuse to aknowledge your board, I just refuse to go there.

And if there's one thing I think I've proven, it's that I'm not “sitting on the fence”. I may not like all of what Chad does, but for as long as I decide to hang around, I'll be here.

And for the record, just because I don't feel the urge to spit at Chad at every turn doesn't mean I've done nothing for this community. You'd be surprised at some of the things I've been a party to. I just don't feel the need to advertise it.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 5 months ago

You did strike a nerve implying I do nothing for the community, Idiot. I've FORGOTTEN more about this community than you'll ever hope to know. Also about another thing you said.

I was talking about THIS board.

THIS BOARD IS NOT THE WHOLE COMMUNITY, IDIOT! With every comment you say you prove your ignorance and how much of a Chass Kisser you are. I don't do anything for THIS board because Chad runs it. As long as Chad runs this board nothing good will EVER come of it. Up until a few week ago I was staying strictly at NetSolo's board until a friend of mine clued me in to the Egon vs. Janine thread and I just HAD to comment on that large smelly mound of stupidity. Ever since then I noticed ALOT of your “Ilk” needed a serious reality check about things around here. So to answer your question, Yes, I am here just to piss in your pool. When I feel satisfied i'll leave, or if they ban me first. Either way i'll have still been able to get in my 2 cents about all your “Ilk”

by brianreilly

21 years, 5 months ago

Bo Holbrook
Yes, I am here just to piss in your pool.

Yeah, Bo's pissed in a lot of pools. But the funny thing is, they all deserved it.

Bo Holbrook
As long as Chad runs this board nothing good will EVER come of it.

Now, i'm gonna have to go with Bo on this one.

I don't refuse to aknowledge your board, I just refuse to go there.

Now this is my main issue with 90% of the members on GBCentral. Statements like:

“I refuse to go to GBHQ. I have no reason. I'm just ya know, too lazy to sign up for another board. And I don't like supporting other websites.”

The sad fact is this:

On GBCentral, you're posts are locked/deleted when say something “out of line”. Spammers can stay for as long as they please, but God forbid that a long-standing, respected member say hat he doesn't like the way things are wrong, because BAM! he/she's instantly banned. Site Suggestions go on for fifteen pages without a word from Chad. Promises are broken without reason (“I have a life” doesn't count). And mods here are not known for their integrity.

ON GBHQ:RD, you can say whatever the hell you want, as long as you're not spamming, or going X-rated. Spammers are banned. Problems are dealt with. Site suggestions are answered. Netsolo has never broken a promise to us. And the mods are the best around.

So the obvious choice is which board? I think the choice you make is a reflection of your intelligence. And, unfortunately, in this online environment, it's all I've got to base my opinion of you on.

by Chad

21 years, 5 months ago

ON GBHQ:RD, you can say whatever the hell you want, as long as you're not spamming, or going X-rated. Spammers are banned. Problems are dealt with. Site suggestions are answered. Netsolo has never broken a promise to us. And the mods are the best around.

Then go there, becuase I am truly sick of posts like this. There is no reason. You will find problems with just about anything. The fact is, NOBODY has locked or deleted posts in over 2 months, yet you still complain.

You complained that there were no other main message boards to post to and congregate with like-minded Ghostheads. Even though I don't understand how we “limit” what you talk about here, since nothing has been deleted or locked in over 2 months and will remain so because the community will be running the show shortly. Furthermore, you have a place to call your own, several in fact, yet you still make your way to these forums and post. I really think the majority of people who visit here are sick of your whining.

You whine that you are unable to speak your mind, yet all your posts are intact. How many of these do you have to write before you feel like you have accomplished something? Maybe that is the problem, try accomplishing something to truly effect change. Perhaps you should actually practice what you preach. Visit GBHQ more frequently and save your posts here for GB-related or Fan Project-related events that would actually change something. Or you could just use the time you used to spend here and spend it at GBHQ.