777 is Back

by boholbrook1

21 years, 4 months ago

You're just doing it to improve your public image Chad. If we would have never made a fuss you'd still be doing the same bullshit.

Visit GBHQ more frequently and save your posts here for GB-related or Fan Project-related events that would actually change something.

So you're saying unless it's posted here, GB realted things and Fan Projects don't matter?

by Chad

21 years, 4 months ago

Bo Holbrook
You're just doing it to improve your public image Chad. If we would have never made a fuss you'd still be doing the same bullshit.

You seem to have a theory for everything.

Bo Holbrook
Chad Paulson
Visit GBHQ more frequently and save your posts here for GB-related or Fan Project-related events that would actually change something.

So you're saying unless it's posted here, GB realted things and Fan Projects don't matter?

If you read that sentence in context with the others, you would know that “put power towards positive change” was the main idea. Something that is sorely missed.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 4 months ago

Chad, it never pays to trust anything you do man. You've stabbed people in the back so many times it's not even funny. You expect everyone just to up and forgive you for being a dick. Which the feeble minded and weak willed do. But the smart ones know enough to automatically distrust anything and everything you do because it's bound to have an alterior motive.

by brianreilly

21 years, 4 months ago

You will find problems with just about anything.
Well, I've yet to find a problem with Netsolo's board.

The fact is, NOBODY has locked or deleted posts in over 2 months, yet you still complain.

Because you only stopped locking posts demanding that you unban myself and PC, AFTER we were unbanned. You only stopped locking posts that dealt with the community being happier without you, after you were firmly in charge. Do you see the pattern, or need I go on. I'm sure the next time someone new figures out what's going on, you'll start locking away.

I really think the majority of people who visit here are sick of your whining.

The majority of people here have no idea what is going on.

You whine that you are unable to speak your mind, yet all your posts are intact.

Outright lie.

How many of these do you have to write before you feel like you have accomplished something?

Until I have accomplished the goal that most of the hardcore community is going for. Do you not realize how many members from this place email people like Bo and I daily to say how much they're afraid of what will happen to them if they speak out?

Maybe that is the problem, try accomplishing something to truly effect change.

That's what I did with GBComm. Of course, in the last two weeks you've done everything you possibly can to make this board more like GBComm, so people won't need to go there. Really, that's what you've been doing for years: Emulating sites so that people will only go to your more convienient, although inferior, version.

Perhaps you should actually practice what you preach. Visit GBHQ more frequently and save your posts here for GB-related or Fan Project-related events that would actually change something. Or you could just use the time you used to spend here and spend it at GBHQ.

First off, I post far more at GBHQ than I do here. Second, that statement clearly says unless it's posted here, GB related things and Fan Projects don't matter, to quote Bo.

And this:

If you read that sentence in context with the others, you would know that “put power towards positive change” was the main idea. Something that is sorely missed.

This is just untrue. Look at all the positive change that had occurred in the two weeks you were gone, and tell us honestly that you didn't undo it all.

Go ahead Chad, lie to the people. Tell them that your coming back is what saved them. Tell them the community would have ended if hadn't come back.

What you won't tell them, is that if you had left the community alone like you promised, we would not be divided into two different encampments. You won't tell them what all us longtime members know:

If this place had been shutdown, we'd have gone to GBHQ. Or we'd have gone to ASAP. Or Nightsquad. Or the Ghostbusters Community Board. There are many longtime members who would have picked up the ball, and gotten it rolling.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 4 months ago

so..zack…there is freedom of speech here?

that statement from you says “no” and makes us, even more right.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 4 months ago

this ninja doesnt whine. i was referring to how you reacted to brian reilly's post. being someone higher up, you just squashed his opinion, and proved our points of no freedom of speech.

this ninja just points stuff out. and to the you mods you all are doin a wonderful job.

keep up the fantastic work back!

by brianreilly

21 years, 4 months ago

Woah Zack. Follow your own rules:

If you don't like it, don't read it. No one's forcing you too.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 4 months ago

see. now that you see where i was comin from in the paranormal section. but that has nothing to do with this topic.
by higher up, i meant you hold a respective position in this community. who cares youre not a moderator. you're still zack, and if you're voted gb guru or whatever the hell it is, you again will be placed on a mantle. so what you're tired of hearing what brian has to say. im tired of hearin all this bullshit from those of you that read his posts as bitching and moaning and telling him, bo and i, to just leave.

you ever go somewhere where you have friends and be told to leave? yeah. guess not. btw, might as well unsubscribe from night squad. no sense in you having an account where brian, bo and i hang out.

oh wait. dont you have friends there?

another wonderous point i have proven.

by soulwrangler1

21 years, 4 months ago

Its a madhouse in here. a maaaaaaad house.

Easy on the ol' f*ck word there tex.


Flip out.


Chill. Better yet, make some chili. Thats what this community needs, chili.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 4 months ago

this is why i like you soulwrangler. you let me flip out.