88mph Lithographs

by sigep756

14 years, 11 months ago

Hey everyone, if anybody has a set of the Brereton lithographs (the four painted covers from the 88mph comic series), I'm looking to buy or trade for them. There was a set that sold on ebay for around $70, but I'm willing to negotiate. I have sealed NECA figures (including Stay Puft) if trading is preferred. Drop a line if you can help out!

Thanks much!

by Kingpin

14 years, 11 months ago

I think only a few sets were actually released, I believe the rest are currently in Chad's position with the intent to eventually make them available… but it's a project which has been on the shelf for quite some time.

by sigep756

14 years, 11 months ago

Just putting the feelers out. That Canadian ebay auction had me salivating! :-)

by bhunji

14 years, 11 months ago

Looks like you might get your chance if you hurry


I won the last one, looks like I paid $10 to much, but whatever, I'll be happy when they arrive…

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 11 months ago

I'm sorry to say sigep, I had to jump on that auction after seeing it. Unfortunately this is a really popular item, and I didn't want to “snag it out from under you” but I couldn't pass it up. I wanted to flat out admit it though, and not try to hide the fact that I grabbed this auction.

Sidenote though, that seller has posted 4 of these auctions in the past week, so keep an eye out. He probably will put up another one soon.

by sigep756

14 years, 11 months ago

Sigh! (;_

The search continues!

by bhunji

14 years, 11 months ago

What is this? This person has two auctions with incentive cover comics and a lithograph, the one looks like the 88mph lithograph, but what is this one from? For some reason I'm thinking the 88mph HC, was that what it was from?


Edit:Here's the other one, but it doesn't look like a 88mph litho as it doesn't have the logo or the GM symbol


by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 11 months ago

What is this? This person has two auctions with incentive cover comics and a lithograph, the one looks like the 88mph lithograph, but what is this one from? For some reason I'm thinking the 88mph HC, was that what it was from?


Yea, the Ecto-1 litho on the right was originally going to be on the back cover of the HC. Very odd.

by bhunji

14 years, 10 months ago

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 10 months ago

Just for reference, that is the 6th set Sebastien has posted for sale since the beginning of this month.

He's also sold 4 Ecto prints.

Gotta say, I'm quite disappointed that it took 2 weeks to get to you when you're in Canada, bhunji… One would assume it will take much longer than that to get to US, and that's pretty ridiculous, considering he charges over $20 for shipping.