by misfit1

19 years, 10 months ago

What is $40 in sterling? Just so I can get a better picture of how much that really is.

Okay, it's about £21…that doesn't seem so bad to me, my month bus pass costs me £15, and a book is so much better than riding the bus.

The UK softcover is £7.19 from amazon, It looks like I'll be picking that up..But I cant afford the hardcover on my apprentice's wage.

As much as I would like too..I dont think it would be possible to live in a book.So the moneys going to have to go towards my rent

by CaptainNate

19 years, 10 months ago

In 2004 Marvel made a net profit of $124.9 million.
They have 630 employees.
Only this week 25 Marvel Comics were released.

88MPH do not make millions of dollars of profit.
It's practically one man, not 630 employees.
They have one project.

You can't compare them, Marvel is bigger, and therefore, can afford to charge less. You can compare Marvel to DC, not 88MPH.

They don't have the same means, but they have the same consumer base. And what the Marvel readers think about price is the same other readers think.

by petervenkmanfan1

19 years, 10 months ago

The UK softcover is £7.19 from amazon, It looks like I'll be picking that up..But I cant afford the hardcover on my apprentice's wage.

As much as I would like too..I dont think it would be possible to live in a book.So the moneys going to have to go towards my rent

Looks like there's someone else who can't afford the book either and they live in another country. Like I've said before 88MPH should consider their hardcore fanbase/hardcore fans are people who are young adults right now because when the movies came out most of us were kids or teenagers. For those when the movies came out were kids and are in college or just finishing up college those fans (like myself) will have student loans to pay in addition to other things like either making car payments or paying rent (like Misfit just said) and buying stuff like food and such. If 88MPH took all that stuff into account since most of their fanbase/hardcore fans were either kids or teenagers when the movie came out and are now young adults trying to manage finances, maybe they would have reconsidered making the total cost less than nearly $40. Because from what I've been reading on here so far three people (myself, Divia and Misfit) aren't going to be able to buy this Hard Cover Graphic Novel due to the cost of it and how it factors in to our financial situations. I don't know, I guess the majority of people on here are going to by it. Despite what the minority on here say about how expensive it is when there are more important things to take care of with money as much as that $40. Hell, I even talked to another friend online on Yahoo who's a GB fan and she even said herself that that total price of nearly $40 was a bit much.

None of that probably made any sense though.

by castewar1

19 years, 10 months ago

That makes sense, but you have to remember that the four issue series itself was within the price-point of the average fan - this hardcover is supposed to be a keepsake and by definition of a higher (and thus more expensive) quality.

by d_osborn

19 years, 10 months ago

what i find funny is that some people paid in excess of $70 for the dealer incentive first issue, and they're COMPLAINING about the hardback trade!!!


19 years, 10 months ago

Heh well, they gotta make up for it I guess.

by divia1

19 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, well I wasn't one of those ppl who spent 70 bucks on the dealer incentive issue. Thats insanity. But I guess if you have the $$$$$ then do whatever makes ya happy.

by back

19 years, 10 months ago

Unfortuneately all that matters in business is $$$$. (*egon) the world runs on greed. the last one to die with the most money wins. published works in exchange for national currency may die, but the art will live on forever.
im gone.


19 years, 10 months ago

I only paid $15 for mine. The most I ever spent on a single comic ‘cause I support the dream. Heh gotta, it’s mine too. :p

by Kingpin

19 years, 10 months ago

I'll just reitterate for those who were seeking info (and can afford it), the Trade Graphic Novel is available through Paypal or Credit Card purchase from 88 MPH's site

88 Miles Per Hour - Website