A big thanks

by DrSpectrum

21 years, 9 months ago

Thanks Chad, for turning something big into something great. Breaking the sweet news in a “teasing” way at first, started the biggest online event ever experienced by this community!

Thanks for keeping hope alive!

by castewar

21 years, 9 months ago

I detect some jumbo-sized chips around here. Chad deserves a big clap for the scoop - and it was a scoop on his part.

As well, while not involved with the production, you all know that Chad did more than just report the news before everyone else.

And no, Chad didn't create the fan community, but like a number of people online, Chad went above and beyond to foster it.

I don't understand why the sour grapes - this is some of the best news for everyone in a long time and a lot of you are determined to poop in the party, for reasons I don't understand.

by Rodie

21 years, 9 months ago

Why the hell are some of you guys so avidly against thanking Chad? Most of us wouldn't know about this if it weren't for him, I mean I know I sure never stumble onto 88mphstudios.com. And as far as saying that protoncharging had the news too, well they just got the news from this site and shared it too there followers as well (which is really cool; hit any and every Ghosthead). I mean it's not like anyone gets hurt if we thank Chad for Christ's sake.

88mph you have my thanks for making our day with this.

Chad you have my thanks for sharing this news with us.

:d :d :d

by BoHolbrook

21 years, 9 months ago

Because people are thanking Chad like he's actually doing something for the project other than posting the news. Even if they're not thanking him for that thanking him for just posting the news is just stupid man. It's not a scoop, Red came here on his own to tell us about this when it first happened many months ago. To say Chad got a “Scoop” would make it seem like Chad actually discovered something. Chad didn't discover jack crap man. All he did was post news. If you wanna thank someone for posting news thank Castewar. He's got the most consistantly updated Ghostbusters News Website on the net. You should also thank 88mph studios as well because if it were not for them Chad wouldn't have any news to copy and paste to his web page.

I'm not trying to poop on anyones party castewar but Chad deserves no thanks for simply posting news which is what he did. Other people did the same thing and they're not getting thanked, Namely you being one of those people. If they want to thank Chad for something they should thank him for the Message Board he gave them in order to discuss the comic book. But other than that Chad doesn't deserve any thanks regarding the comic project.

Oh and for the smart ass wondering where people who posted the news too got it from. It wasn't necessarily Ghostbusters.net genius. The Official 88mph Studios website had the news before anyone else. If you go to www.88mphstudios.com you'll see that Chad simply copy and pasted their story to his site. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Sorry folks, But thats just how it is.

by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

Geez…who pissed in your Wheaties?

I was that “smart ass”, and I wasn't necessarily talking about the “big announcement” itself, but all the things leading up to it. Up until last Friday, all news came to this site before it went anywhere else. This site was where other sites got their info. It's where I got stuff for Zentertainment. It's where Adrian got stuff for Action-figure.com. Hell, it's where Rich Johnston got most of his info for Lying in the Gutters. This was the source.

Why is it such a big friggin' deal in the first place if people want to “thank” Chad? Because you've got “issues” with him? Grow up, junior…people are going to do things that you don't like, and I've seen you do more mudslinging than I have him since I came here. Everybody's pretty happy around here right now, let them be happy. All crap like this does is get people angry at each other, and there's no good reason for that. If you don't want to see it, then don't read the thread…it's just that simple.