A call to all fanfic teams! Read it's urgent! UPDATE!!!!

by Sinister

22 years ago

As a representative of the NOMADs and GBUK fanfic department, I have the following message to deliver.

Myself and Scholeri_guy, have had a miraculous brain wave, we plan on doing a fanfiction group team up of “biblical proportions” Rest assured, if we can get this going, it will be the greatest fanfic project since I don't know when!

Please, all fanfic groups interested respond!

by Scoleri_guy

22 years ago

Yes it will. We just need to get in contact with everyone, this is a call to every team out there. I am currently working on a story leading to these events. We are going to give it a proper name, rest assured, but it is strictly confidential as of now. But I assure you, you wont want to miss out on this!

by Dr.Loomis

22 years ago

Hey, you know I'm in no matter what

Though I fear that after my post Vincent might lock this JK Vince

by Scoleri_guy

22 years ago

Im hoping that those interested will enjoy tying some of our bad guys to their story. Cause we have a real baddie. But please, I and the rest of NOMAD hope that all the fan fic teams get in contact with us asap. We really would like to start working the stories.

by Dr.Loomis

22 years ago

If you need any help with this, you know my e-mail address…

by Scoleri_guy

22 years ago

Sinister and I are hard at work laying down the initial plot for everyone to work around. This is gonna be a good one. All the teams write there own story, but it coincides with the main story. I've given away too much already! I hope all of you groups out there work with us. I'd hate to leave anyone out!

by AgentD

22 years ago

This sounds like a very cool opportunity for all the franchises out there. Come on, everyone! Join in!

by Sinister

22 years ago

Tsk Tsk SG, tell no more, tell no more!

by Scoleri_guy

22 years ago


by PeterKong

22 years ago

I'm up for it