A call to all fanfic teams! Read it's urgent! UPDATE!!!!
22 years ago
Hey, I'm in, I haven't been really posting my stuff, but all this past summer I came up with alot of good ideas and plots, just let me know what's going on.
by Ludicris
22 years ago
im in for sure
by coachmcbribe
22 years ago
please let me a part of this.
by LordVego
22 years ago
i would be in if i had a fan fic team *cough*
by PeterKong
22 years ago
You could start one, Vego. I'm sure there are plenty of people out who who'd like to join a team.
by Jay_Tigran
22 years ago
I'm the only one who writes for the cgbs… what can i do???
by byronghost05
22 years ago
let the ultimate Ghostbusters join the pack of teams. we would love 2 join
by Sinister
22 years ago
Ok guys, we're looking for about 4-6 teams, now N.O.M.A.D. is one, and so is Ghostbusters U.K. So that's two. We need 2-4 more teams.
Jay, there are no reasons for you not taking part…
I want to say that this will be a VERY large writing task, so don't apply unless your sure the resident writer of the team can handle it!
by PeterKong
22 years ago
ROGUE SQUAD is interested. That would make 3.
by PeterKong
22 years ago
I guess RS is a bit out of the means for such a story. It wouldn't work since it takes place in it's own universe.