A call to all fanfic teams! Read it's urgent! UPDATE!!!!


22 years ago

Sinister…You forgot the other team…Georgia Ghostbusters

by venkmanfan49

22 years ago

Once again FTGB is proud to be a part of this, we are willing to cooperate and help out in any way we can!! Thanks Sinister and Scoleri_guy.


Official spokesman for FTGB

by PeterKong

22 years ago

Maybe Rogue Squad could possibly show up in the next crossover…

by Sinister

22 years ago

I must say this will be an amazing experience!

by Proton_User

22 years ago

sinister just maybe the ROGUE SQUAD can appear in the next CO… but we are mainly the illustrated types!

by SpecterHarness

22 years ago

Hey 49! FTGB? I figured it was Foot Hills, so FHGB. What is the T for? :d I probably sound so stupid right now.

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 12 months ago

Yes the name is changed to FHGB, thank you specter . Well what's the dealio guys, I haven't recieved an e-mail update since, well I can;t remember. So could you give us an update?


by Sinister

21 years, 12 months ago

Certainly, however, we are still developing things…

by Scoleri_guy

21 years, 12 months ago

Yes, currently we have reworked the original story line and are developing the 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse characters. Tonight I will have the first horsemen (woman) up. Her name is War, her lust for violence, need for destruction, and unhuman strength, makes her quite possibly the most powerful horseman. Her role is very important, and we will have some updates for you guys as soon as NOMAD gets their feet in the ground. But as of right now, the stories a secret except to me and Sinister. But have no fear, you will be notified asap. But we dont want to give too much away yet Also to Rouge Squad, we (sinister and I) may not have a big crossover like this for a long time, if ever, but if we do, maybe…

by Scoleri_guy

21 years, 12 months ago

Also, after reading all these peoples interest to be involved, and our with lack of allowing more then 6, Ive come up with a way we can make some people happy. I havent cleared this with Sinister yet, but Im telling all of you guys who didnt make the intitial run to let you know as an idea. Here it is. All of you guys can make Cameos in certain stories. All though you will not have a major role, and wont write, you can still be in it. I dont know if anyone wants to do that, or if it will even happen, but I really felt bad when we had to turn away some groups, so this idea popped in my head :d .