A call to all fanfic teams! Read it's urgent! UPDATE!!!!

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 11 months ago

FHGB thanks you so very much

*goes off to answer email*

Official Spokesman for FHGB

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 11 months ago

Well, I can't say I'm not just a little hurt.

Oh well, at least we're in the story. I didn't get no e-mail. Send stuff to Mavraptor4@yahoo.com.

Would my loss of contact over the past few days be the reason of our current status?

Actually, I see a possible motiff right now, but I'm in a fairly good mood, so I ain't gonna ruin that from paranoia. LOL

by Sinister

21 years, 11 months ago

Don't worry Andy it's nothing like that at all, your still having a cool part in it, just not a writing part…

We had top cut down on teams you see, now oviously seeing as though it was a NOMAD/GBUK originating fic they were going to be in it, secondally Night Squad have that little bit of “kick” that can really help it… SG liked the Candian GBs work a lot (I have never read it) hence why they were chosen… and the FHGBs were chosen by SG because of how helpful and the sportsmanship they have shown.

I hope there are no hard feelings mate, and we can still work together on GBUK/ETGB's little crossover we had planned.

Certain amedments that must be made, due to a slight error on my half, the team status is as follows…

Writers & Staring Roles:


Starring Roles:


by GBFreak

21 years, 11 months ago

Thanks Sinister I'm just happy Ecto Force is involved with this project. I know theat we won't let you down.

by Jay_Tigran

21 years, 11 months ago

“I'm excited to be a part of this.”

Let me tell ya folks, I know a bit of what's going on and let me tell you this is gonna be great!

Best. Ghostbuster. Crossover. EVER!

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 11 months ago

I guess I can forgive ya…

But I got one question. What the heck happened to my post on the first page? I said I'd like to help out and said some other stuff and now it's gone….

Maybe someone wants me out of the picture. They won't be able to kill me. I can't even kill me. I'll be back to bust some heads!


by Scoleri_guy

21 years, 11 months ago

Okidoky fellas, Im gonna be gone for a bit, when I come back though I hope to have a written and aprroved by my co creator begining! Til then, Iain, youre in charge! And dont worry Specter, things may change, we are gonna have “solo” parts for some people. Maybe you can have one, all depends on how things work out

Co-Creator of DOOMSdAY
Artist of NOMAD

by Sinister

21 years, 11 months ago

And it's goodnight from him…. and Hello from me!

by lestat_gb

21 years, 11 months ago

i am working on my team site for this and i would like to join in on this..
ghostbusters anarchy coming before you know it