A conversation not about fan art

by boholbrook1

17 years, 2 months ago

It doesn't relate to it at all. I'm just saying whatever is on my mind.

Obviously not everything is worth posting about, ie it makes a person seem arrogant or egotistical if they feel the need to make a post everytime they have an opinion about something.

Chill out man.

I'd rather be able to defend myself (creations, art, etc) rather then just sit back and take it.

It's not as if your opinion will make my ideas or art any better, because it's not as if your saying stuff like “well that doesn't work because of this” or “this would be better” or anything like that, it's just a flat out complaint or spam, ie it adds nothing, doesn't progress anything (cept an argument) or produce any sort of positive result.

You posted pictures and I commented on them.

And you thought I wouldn't respond to it, defend it, etc?

Like I'm prepared for this type of and seen it before on other forums, but the problem is that generaly the person in your position doesn't like it when the other person fights back and just wants everybody to accept what they say for what it is, but it can't always be like that, ie you should be prepared for any sort of consiquence that can result from your actions, and/or get upset with somebody for something that's your fault.

I didn't find the actual subject of the post particularly interesting.

Just the art then?

Which makes me wonder, you didn't say anything about the art back in 2003 when this thread was first posted, nor in 2006 when it was revived, but now all of a sudden take a intrest in it.

You're a very angry man, you know that?

by boholbrook1

17 years, 2 months ago

Unfortunately, that's not how the internet works….
Well, you could do that everytime someone has an issue, but you'll be fighting alot of pointless battles…

I have arguments and discussions on forums all the time, and stuff like “that sucks” is no fun, I'd rather have a discussion or argument whether it be be good or bad then deal with comments like “that sucks” or “that's great” because that type of stuff is nothing, even if all the posts were “That's great” or universal praise that type of thing would get boring, or that type of thing does infact get boring, and I'd much rather discuss ideas on a Discussion Forum (go figure) rather then just read one liners.

You can't have a go at Bo for voicing an opinion, just be damn happy he decided to take a look at your work and comment on it.

If he's able to voice his opinion then I should be able to post mine, and he should be able to back up his opinions as should I, which is kind of how this started out with him, but it really wasn't a discussion so much as his problem with anime inspired art. It would have been one thing if we were discussing all aspects of art (style, designs, etc) but it never came to that.

And so what if he didn't like it,

It doesn't matter if he didn't like it, it was just the lame ass way he went about responding to it. It's like those people that post just to post or just want to post something like “meh” like he didn't actually critique anything or actually say anything other then making it clear he doesn't like anime inspired art.

if you started working on this project just because you wanted all the fanboys to fall at your feet, you started it for the wrong reasons.

Yeah except for what I stated above about not liking universal appraise.

At the end of the day, you took the risk by posting it online, you just gotta take the risk that someone might shoot you in the face over it.

Which is perfectly fine and something I agree with but post a little more then 10 words about it.

I mean after that long ass post I made it seems odd that somebody would respond with just that, hell something about how long the post was or what a waste of time something so long was would've been better.

Take it in your stride and get on with it, If I had wasted my time fighting with everyone that said my idea was dumb a year ago, I wouldn't still be publishing GB:Apocalypse. I would have probably gone insane.

This isn't about somebody not liking something. I don't have a problem with the fact that he doesn't like it just the way he dealt with the fact that he doesn't like it, and it wasn't even that so much as he couldn't even stop to take a second to see past the style and just look at the designs themselves.

The internet is full of bastards that hate everything you do, and will attack you on a personal level because of it. And they all have a god given right to do it. Harsh, but true. Once you accept it and learn to ignore the bullshit, it makes life a hell of a lot easier.

Why do I get the feeling that everybody is looking at this the wrong way or isn't viewing it from any other viewpoint but a narrow one?

Yeah the internet is full of bad people you will always criticize other peoples work. I believe some people are just retarded and go around the internet looking to simply talk bad about other peoples work.

Just look on You Tube for example, no matter how good a video might be some idiot is going to bad mouth it.

The YouTube example is quite a good example in that it's just a bunch of nothing, pointless posts, etc, and nothing of any real value.

Don't post your art if you can't take critiques.

I can take critiques, it's idiots, morons, spammers, trolls, etc, that I can't stand.

If somebody is going to act like an idiot then it's only fair they should be treated like one.

And seriously, I'm surprised Bo didn't bite your head off, man.

Compared to the way I generaly post, I was pretty nice about all this.

I should point out that I'm a mod on another forum, so I'm pretty aware of how forums, boards, and all that work and how how everything is up to discussion or critique on a forum, but I should point out what everybody is posting right now is a discussion, are worthwhile points of views, thought out expressions, etc, not one line of worthlessness like that of a YouTube thread. I mean see how we're having an ACTUAL discussion about things here, rather then just saying “You're stupid” or whatever?

Like if Bo was willing to go more indepth in his second and third posts on here, why wasn't he able to do that with his first post? Can anyone give me a good reason why? His second and third posts are actual discussions, debates, etc, and the type of posts I like/want to see regardless if good or bad, but the fact that he showed that he was capable of doing it in his second post and/or actually made a decent post in that second statement just goes to show how completely worthless the first post of his was.

And don't say that I can't always have it my way or the way I want, that is something that is quite obvious, but the way the thread was prior to all of this was perfectly fine was it not? There were things that people diagreed with of mine earlier on that I had a totaly fine recation to did I not? Or did everybody just decide to not pay attention to any of that? Like hmmm why would TAS be okay with the other people who didn't see eye to eye with him but not Bo? But I'm getting the feeling that thought process didn't cross anyone's mind here, but then again correct me if I'm wrong, cause it certainly doesn't seem that way.

You have no idea who I am, do ya?

by TAS

17 years, 2 months ago

You have no idea who I am, do ya?

You're Bo Holbrook are you not?

by sinister1

17 years, 2 months ago

You're a user Bo. Just like any of us. You have no rank or status. The fact that you're Bo Holbrook does not magically mean that you are exempt from being questioned, challenged or even, hauled over the coals. It does not give you a licence to criticise without reason.

Now I'm not trying to attack you, but when you go round saying things like you just did… well. Expect some eye brow raising.

by boholbrook1

17 years, 2 months ago

You're a user Bo. Just like any of us. You have no rank or status. The fact that you're Bo Holbrook does not magically mean that you are exempt from being questioned, challenged or even, hauled over the coals. It does not give you a licence to criticise without reason.

Now I'm not trying to attack you, but when you go round saying things like you just did… well. Expect some eye brow raising.

I will say what I want, when I want, and ain't nobody gonna stop me. Now i've been amazingly civil with this whole thing. So get off my back, Iain.

by sinister1

17 years, 2 months ago

I'm not on your back at all my dear friend.

I was merely informing you that your identity carries no weight. Now… if you were somebody important, I don't know… like a President or something similar, maybe you could make such a comment.

by boholbrook1

17 years, 2 months ago

I'm not on your back at all my dear friend.

I was merely informing you that your identity carries no weight. Now… if you were somebody important, I don't know… like a President or something similar, maybe you could make such a comment.

Are you trying to put me in my place, Iain? You know how AWESOME that works out for people.

by boholbrook1

17 years, 2 months ago

RGB Peter Venkman - My Style

Are you trying to put me in my place, Iain? You know how AWESOME that works out for people.

Compared to someone who arugues with a mod? I mean that almost always works out well doesn't it?

You REALLY don't know me, do you?

by sinister1

17 years, 2 months ago

Bo Holbrook
I'm not on your back at all my dear friend.

I was merely informing you that your identity carries no weight. Now… if you were somebody important, I don't know… like a President or something similar, maybe you could make such a comment.

Are you trying to put me in my place, Iain? You know how AWESOME that works out for people.

I'm sure I would never dream of trying to put you in your place Bo. That was an explanation as to my first post, which if you recall was made as a comment that you don't have the same ‘presence’ here that you may have else where. Your word is not final, nor does it make others tremble in their boots. For which matter, neither does your threat to me.

by boholbrook1

17 years, 2 months ago

Bo Holbrook
I'm not on your back at all my dear friend.

I was merely informing you that your identity carries no weight. Now… if you were somebody important, I don't know… like a President or something similar, maybe you could make such a comment.

Are you trying to put me in my place, Iain? You know how AWESOME that works out for people.

I'm sure I would never dream of trying to put you in your place Bo. That was an explanation as to my first post, which if you recall was made as a comment that you don't have the same ‘presence’ here that you may have else where. Your word is not final, nor does it make others tremble in their boots. For which matter, neither does your threat to me.

You are CLEARLY trying to put me in my place, sir. I know you can't help yourself. This is the first time i've posted here in ages so I know you're just ITCHING to assert some of that GBN authority on me. The situation had resolved itself, You chose with purpose and knowing intention to come in here just to let me know how much I don't matter. You know what you're doing and you know the jollies it gives you to do it.

Now, Because of your insistence on telling me just how irrelevant I am YOU have essentially hijacked a man's thread with your pompous need to show me who's boss. I recommend you walk away as the situation was fine before you came in here to try a prod Holbrook into cursing at you so you could show him what fer.