A conversation not about fan art

by boholbrook1

17 years, 3 months ago

I am not scared of you, I see no reason to be, and that's not going to stop me from making a reasonable comment should I feel the need.

Were that true you'd post at Nightsquad or GBHQ.

by sinister1

17 years, 3 months ago

Not really no. I found in the early days of GBHQ that it was difficult posting on two Ghostbuster forums, particularly if you wanted to start a new topic, it was easy to choose one and stick with it. GBN is my preferred board. I have a lot less free time than I used to thanks to a variety of commitments, and having only one board to check is useful.

by boholbrook1

17 years, 3 months ago



by sinister1

17 years, 3 months ago

I'm sure I'm going to regret this,

but… what?

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Bo Holbrook
There's a reason you're not a mod on GBHQ, and this is a prime example why. Kingpin tried this sorta thing, look how that worked out for him.

Alright, let's get at least one thing straight here. The reason why Iain isn't a Moderator at GBHQ isn't because he's not good enough, he's not a Mod there because he doesn't choose to post there. If he did post there, I wouldn't be surprised if Net did make him a Moderator and that'd be his own business.

Why are you here? You hate this place, you hate Chad, you hate most of the moderators and you've made it known on more occasions I can care to recall you hate the members here. Being here is not going to sooth any pain from not being able to post on GBHQ again for the foreseable future and it will not do you any favours. I'm sure Jen would tell you you've become obsessed.

As for people not knowing who you are, how can you be surprised? You've spent the majority of your time on GBHQ and there's a lot of people here who don't jump the gap to there. Because of that there's a lot of people here who have never heard of you.

Just let things go…

by Chad

17 years, 3 months ago

Bo Holbrook
You're a user Bo. Just like any of us. You have no rank or status. The fact that you're Bo Holbrook does not magically mean that you are exempt from being questioned, challenged or even, hauled over the coals. It does not give you a licence to criticise without reason.

Now I'm not trying to attack you, but when you go round saying things like you just did… well. Expect some eye brow raising.

I will say what I want, when I want, and ain't nobody gonna stop me. Now i've been amazingly civil with this whole thing. So get off my back, Iain.

Sorry, but that's not how it works at Ghostbusters.net. We are a community, everyone is equal. I am no better than anyone else here, neither are you, same goes for everyone, no exceptions.

We are all Ghostbusters fans and we are here to discuss Ghostbusters. There are very wonderful things happening and the future is really promising. Let's band together and educate a whole new generation of ghostheads which we will pass the torch to properly.

I have no choice but to ban you until the relaunch of Ghostbusters.net 2.0. I do have faith that you will learn to respect everyone some day. I know you are a good person deep down and you have made improvements on becoming more sensitive and reasonable. I just keep hoping it continues to get better.