A different kind of Pack

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 5 months ago

I'm not sure it would work on ghosts from a physics standpoint.

Zero point energy isn't…y'know…protons.

And the whole reason a proton pack works is that protons have a + charge and ghosts have - charge. It's a magnetism thing.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 5 months ago

Well the pack doesnt have to work. Its just a theory of what a pack design would look like if it were based off being powered by a ZPM.

Edit: I decided where I'm gonna put the control crystals. its gonna be near the center of the pack above the ZPM. I'll update the thread with a screen shot of what I've done so far to the design, minus the side views.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 5 months ago

This is the pack circa Friday. A few things have been adjusted since then and a few details added and modified.

And yes those are vents on the side bottoms of the pack.

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years, 5 months ago

Well I must say that I am indeed impressed with your design so far and it seems your putting alot of effort into this so congrads dude! Looks F*#cking Awsome!!!

by DocFritz

16 years, 5 months ago

I don't know jack about Stargate, but these designs are pretty spiffy. If I ever sit down and decide what the proton packs used by Ghostbusters Intergalactic in the 24th century look like, I'll have to keep these in mind.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 4 months ago

Thanks Fritz. Once its done I'll also post a detailed list of what each part is and what it's function is, aside from the status screen and the ZPM power source.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 4 months ago

Pack update:

Added a few things, subtracted a few others. As you'll notice, I got rid of the “tape wire” to make it look more industrial instead if makeshift, like the original packs. I also widened the pack as well and put everything on the right side of the pack over, but not far enough so I'll correct that tonight. I also added some details to the pack as well. The details are on the top of the N-Filter, the tube where the gun attaches to the pack, the panel for the control crystals (its in the center of the pack), and the side of the pack as well. I also changed the style of the readouts on the little screen above where the wire to the gun attaches to the pack.

But the biggest addition I've added to this pack is the pump lever. For anyone who watches any of the Stargate shows, the species a.k.a. The Ancients, that created the ZPM although highly advanced also had push buttons and levers on their advanced devices as well. So the idea behind this pump lever, on the side of the pack, is to eject the ZPM from the pack itself. One pump to eject the brace that holds the ZPM in, the second pump pushes the ZPM out of the pack half way so it can be removed.