a dream i had, i was a ghostbuster,(the rookie)

by RickyM

15 years, 10 months ago

this is no joke, i must just be so excited its stuck in my head, and last night was the ultimate dream, but it was soooo soooo strange, i remember it well for one, that usually doesnt happen with dreams, but i remember what i thought while i was in the dream and everything,

so i remember being in the ecto-1, just driving around and to make it strange, stay puft was walking around freely, like it was normal, anyways it revolved around the firestation, it was even stranger than ray called me buy my second name, and i remember thinking, ‘thats strange, i didnt think the script would include my name’ it was strange i actually walked around in my dream KNOWING it was a dream, i remember going into the back and searching for the VIGO painting, and i remember thinking 'its gotta be here somehwere cuz its in the firehouse confirmed, but i never did find it before i got woke up, i never even got to try out the proton pack lol, but it was so wierd, have you ever tried going back to sleep to get back into your dream but it doesnt work, aaah man, best dream of my life,

any of u had a GB related dream like this?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, one where it was the beginning of GB3: Venkman gets tossed around like a ragdoll during a fight with a big black sludgy ghost (it looked like when Will Smith was being tossed around with the preggers alien in “MIB”). He got up, looked at the other guys and said, “I quit”.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

I remember, when I was 5 or 6, I was in a castle with a trip with my school, we slept there and I was scary. During the night I dreamt that I was a gb, with the RGB, not bill murray and co.

I fired at Egon, who told me “don't do that again” and I did accidentally, he turned in a f-ing huge and scary monster who attacked me.

I pissed in my bed, yeah, at 6yrs old, with all my friends around…
I'll remember this all my life.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 10 months ago

I had a GB dream last night too! though not as exciting. And I'm sure glad that I don't talk in my sleep, because it's bad enough I drive my GF crazy talking about GBs while I'm awake.(*ray)(*peter)

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 10 months ago

Happened to me once when I was a kid. Except that I was more into the business already. We were fighting this weird Tornado like ghost and I was thinking how are these going to work on that? Yeah, we all had weird dreams when we were a kid, although I must be messed up if I still keep getting ones as weird as the “Tornado Ghost” lol.

by RickyM

15 years, 10 months ago

I remember, when I was 5 or 6, I was in a castle with a trip with my school, we slept there and I was scary. During the night I dreamt that I was a gb, with the RGB, not bill murray and co.

I fired at Egon, who told me “don't do that again” and I did accidentally, he turned in a f-ing huge and scary monster who attacked me.

I pissed in my bed, yeah, at 6yrs old, with all my friends around…
I'll remember this all my life,

lmao you have just gave me the best laff of the day lol