A few news bits

by Cliff-Roswell

21 years, 3 months ago

So does that mean that the containment unit will look like it did in the film, the series, or a combination of the two?

Why was it so big on RGB anyways?


by jay_tigran1

21 years, 3 months ago

Egon decided it should be bigger cuz of the explosion…

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 3 months ago

Don't worry Kingpin, I was calm. I was just saying that if Janine's movie persona isn't messed with, than maybe I'll accept an Egon/Janine relationship. Like I said, it all comes down to what the comic book creators will do.

by d_osborn

21 years, 3 months ago

i'm not totally against the idea of 88 using bits from RGB, but i think it definately shouldn't have the RGB feel. good thing 88mph has the same idea as i do…

as for knowing what's going on with the comic, i really don't. kingpin and riddle seem to know something about the peoplebusters (or whatever they're called) being in an issue. i can see that, hopefully in the same vein as soulwranglers stuff. aside from seeing a steady stream of art from the comic, i really don't hear all that much….

what i CAN tell you, though, is that there definately won't be ANYTHING from RGB in the new novels from ibooks, inc. from the discussions i've had with the editor, they're wanting to shy away from the “kiddie” ghostbusters, and stick in the movie territory. sadly, though… they won't be using any of aykroyd's ideas/material for GB3 for their novels. i kinda wish they would, seeing as how dan really had some good ideas for the characters WE know….