A few pages of my almost finished Ghostbusters 3 script!

by matthew1

19 years, 6 months ago

Ghostbusters III


1st draught script
Last revised March 10, 2005

EXT. Streets – DAY

It is a cold autumn night. Crisp golden brown and yellow leaves blanket the cracked sidewalks, stepped upon by various people walking at speed, hands in pockets, not wanting to hang out in the harsh bitter weather.

EXT. Theatre – DAY

The camera pans across the street and slowly zooms in to a specific building. The front façade of a dilapidated old theatre can be seen. The once smart, elegant architectural stone and brickwork designs are now thickly covered in a mixture of pigeon droppings, flier posters and graffiti. Up above are the beaten up letter boards, which display the various films being shown inside and below them are two large wooden doors. The oak wood is visible only for the dark green paintwork, which is flaking away. It is not a well-kept place but the flicks are still rolling in this old part of the neighbourhood.

INT. Theatre 1 – DAY

Inside of theatre 1, people fill the many red theatre seats. The smell of popcorn is in the air and the trailers begin to roll. People stare at the screen in anticipation, sipping drinks and eating hotdogs.

The screen

The trailers finish and slowly the curtains open with the sound of the squeaking of the gold curtain rings passing along the long, rusty curtain rail. The screen lights up as the projector light hits it and the movie begins to roll. All of a sudden the film begins to flicker.


“What’s going on?”

The picture begins to deteriorate more and more until there is nothing on screen but a black and white flicker and all that can be heard are various momentary loud pops and crackles from the various speakers throughout the large theatre. All of a sudden an old 20s black and white movie comes on screen. The theatregoers watch in confusion. One of the theatregoers notices this and rushes out into the foyer to tell a member of staff the problem.

INT Theatre Foyer – DAY

The theatregoer approaches a member of the theatre staff.


“What seems to be the problem sir?”


“I don’t know what’s going on but that in there, aint the movie I paid seven bucks for mister.”

The member of staff signals to a young man sorting tickets in a small, stuffy faintly lit booth.


“Hey Bobby would you run upstairs and find out what the problem is?”

The young man angrily puts down the tickets and exits his booth. The camera slowly follows the young man up several flights of carpeted stairs. He turns a corner and approaches a door, which says “Projection Room”. The young man reaches for the door handle and turns it but finds that the door is locked. He takes a couple of steps back and runs at the door, barging it open with his shoulder, he flies in though the door and into the room.

INT Projection Room – DAY


The cameras viewpoint is situated in first person, as if looking through the eyes of what ever is floating high in the air.


The young man barges into the room and falls to the ground. He looks up towards the camera and lets out a terrified yell.


“Get Out”

The young man gets up and runs out of the room and down the stairs as fast as he can.

Cue Ghostbusters III logo and theme music. The original Ghostbusters ghost logo appears along with the number three represented in Roman numerals. A new version of Ray Parker Juniors Ghostbusters theme tune kicks in while the animation is being shown.

EXT Theatre – DAY

Outside the theatre is an angry mob of theatregoers who are demanding their money back. In the distance the faint sound of a wailing siren can be heard. It gets louder and louder. All of a sudden a white ambulance screeches round the corner. Various lights are flashing on and off on the roof. The crowd turn around all at once. The grubby off white Cadillac speeds up to the cinema entrance and breaks violently, ending up just inches away from a parked Police car in front of it. It shows visible signs or rust and decay.


The camera is viewed from a low down shot facing the Ecto 1 so that it faces the number plate as the car approaches and breaks. The camera stays low and moves around to the side of the car where the front left door opens and someone gets out and slams it shut. A single cigarette butt falls to the ground and the person extinguishes it with their boot. A pair of dirty, unpolished black boots is all that can be seen as they walk to the back of the car. Then the camera viewpoint gradually moves upwards so that the person can be seen.

Ecto 1

Ray Stanz exhales his last puff of cigarette smoke into the cold night air, hurriedly opens the back door to the car and pulls out a long, heavy steel sliding rack which holds four proton packs, visibly worn from use, the packs have various burn and dirt marks on them. Egon Spengler and Winston Zeddmore appear from the other side of the vehicle. Ray lifts out the first proton pack and helps Egon into it. He then does the same for Winston. Ray then straps the third on himself, leaving a fourth and last proton pack attached to the rack.


The camera singles in on this fourth proton pack left standing on the rack as Ray slides the steel rack back in and as he does so he looks at it, shakes his head in annoyance and slams the door. It seems there is nobody to use it.

I would appreciate your feedback.


by fusi0n1

19 years, 6 months ago

Excellent work, it starts off nicely and you've set the tone well. Love the touches of the cigarette butts on the floor, very much on par with the characters. And am very intrigued about the leftover proton pack and what has happened to Peter.

by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 6 months ago

Excellent work, it starts off nicely and you've set the tone well. Love the touches of the cigarette butts on the floor, very much on par with the characters. And am very intrigued about the leftover proton pack and what has happened to Peter.

I have to agree….the tone seems to fit very well…I can't wait to see some more….good job so far!

by robertknippels1

19 years, 6 months ago

would love to see more of the story. In one word it is great

Keep up the good work


Robert (*peter) (*ray) (*egon)

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 6 months ago

I like the script at the moment - the muted absence of Venkman, Stantz smoking again, it's all quite good. I look forward to seeing the finished version of this, especially how the humour pans out, I think that will determine how good this script is. But at the moment, full marks.

by youngvenkman1

19 years, 6 months ago

Very well done, thought it is hard to tell really how good it will be without seeing more espically the humor, but its got a great start.

by matthew1

19 years, 5 months ago

I've almost finished the script. It is actually fully written but I still have to chop and change some things and then read it through again to find out whether I am satisfied with it. I'll post it soon.

Oh yeah, how do I go about creating a link to the script on the forum?

by pantshater24

19 years, 5 months ago

dude, great stuff so far, can't wait to see the finished product. i need to know what has happened to peter!!!!

by Jey

19 years, 5 months ago

I like your begining on a Theatre !

Good description of the actions dude

by matthew1

19 years, 3 months ago

I have finished the script and would like it to be available for anyone to read. Rather than posting it on the forum I would like to somehow create a link to it so that it may be read in it's proper form. Can anyone please show me how to do this? Thanks.