I would have to say you have been EXTREMELY lucky with your costs.. Your coach must have been a perfect body when you got it. You dont mention any rust repair or body work. (Normally the rockers under the lower trim is rusty, and the rear skirt mounts usually need some work at the very least. And its body work that gets really expensive)

Even so you are still sitting at about $20k if my math is decent..
Lights for an Ecto-1 will run you probably $2500 to $3500 for the 2 bars, sirenlite, siren, strobes, and can lights front and rear. Then you have wiring, flasher circuits, breakers and switches to run them all. Another couple of thousand I'd figure for the roof rack since its welded steel and you are going to need to reinforce the roof when you do the rack, and a couple of hundred bucks to go rummaging through a salvage yard for parts and pieces..
Lights for an Ecto-1a are quite a bit more. The Strobe bar runs about a Grand, then you have about $1500 for the two rotator bars. Several hundred for the roof strobes. And you still have the can lights, rotator, and grille lights.. Cheapest Ive found for the Side LED signs is about $6000 for Each side.. (Which is why My 1a doesnt have LED Signs yet.) Then you have a more complex rack, Lots o' Tanks, Boxes, gizmos and stuff..

Please let me know when you have photos of your Coach, I'd love to see someone elses replica.

And if you run into any snags, please let me know if there is anything I can help with. I've been living and breathing Ecto-Replicas for the last few years..
