A little news anyone?

by rutherford

21 years, 9 months ago


by SaugusGB

21 years, 9 months ago

Neo who?
Matrix what?
today is the day. Today is the day that ghostheads are given a glimpse of their future. May 16th will no longer be known as the day before Johannes' birthday, but as the day when the ghostheads of the world declared in one voice: “We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!” We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our new Ghostbusters comic!"

God bless Canada, eh? :s :d

by FaNBoY3000

21 years, 9 months ago

We got the tools! We got the talent!

by AgentD

21 years, 9 months ago

Wow. :O Thank you, Chad, and 88 MPH!

by FaNBoY3000

21 years, 9 months ago

Hmm….comic announced today….Dan Hosting SNL tomorrow….hmmmmmmmmmmmm……….

by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

Comic Carnival? ladyjane, are you here in Indy too?

I can't wait until I can finally go out a purchase all the comic goodness that is on the way! New debate…any guesses as to who the new artist is, now that we've seen their work?

by roshangar

21 years, 9 months ago

Now all we need to do is market the hell out of this. Everybody tell two people. Then they'll tell two people, and that's like ten people already!

by daneghostbuster

21 years, 9 months ago

Sweet Merciful Crap!!!
Finally, now those Action Figures better get made. Rampant consumerism and capitalism at its best.

by DrSpectrum

21 years, 9 months ago


by river_of_slime

21 years, 9 months ago

It all fits Dan is on Conan 2night then tommrrow he host SNL and then next week his on Leno :O :O :d :d