A "logo-lock" or something? Arrrgghh!!!

by MasterSpider

22 years, 10 months ago

Well, as I'm looking around, I see that the user ecto-18 has copied my banner for posts. Now I know I'm just being subjected for the first time to the imposter type things that unfortunately happen, and I usually wouldn't pay attention and care, but my logo, well… it has my name on it for Pete's sake! Which is a pain, because it looks like, if this person makes a rude post, then I'm doing it! I'm starting to suspect that this user, Mary Spengler, Ghostress, and Ectodude's Lover, are all linked, if not the same person. They are pains! If nothing can be done, oh well, but I just had to bring it to attention.

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 10 months ago

Master Spider, your cries fall on deaf ears. There isn't much you can do aside from complain and pull your hair out. I do feel your pain, though.

Mary and Ghostress and Maria (I think you're right about all of them), have all left me alone since our squabble, but holy COW, Ectodude's Lover is wierd.

I've read Ectodudes Lover's profile, and I have to say that she (he!?) is creepier than having a crate full of fiddler spiders poured on your head (I happen to be arachnaphobic). Can her behavior be constituted as sexual or net harrassment?

by MasterSpider

22 years, 10 months ago

Well, regardless of those odd characters my logo has been rightfully claimed as my own finally. Thanks Chad. smile

by Ectodude

22 years, 10 months ago

can i ask you guys an honest question? WHY THE HELL IS THERE PEOPLE SUBJECTING ME TO THEIR INSULTING?! what the hell is it about me that makes everyone have to use me as a target?! can you see what it is? i sure as hell need to be told!

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 10 months ago

Well, that answers my question if “Ectodudes Lover” bothers you at all.

All I can say is “sorry”, man. I don't wish that kinda crap on anyone. I say contact Chad. I'm sure that kind of stuff constitutes harrassment.

by MasterSpider

22 years, 10 months ago

It's a type of impersonation, just like the “Jr.s” A while back. You could probably get it taken care of by contacting the mods at mods@ghostbusters.net
As for who it is, like I said before, I've been pulled towards Ghostress, Mary Spengler and Maria, all those in that little group (who could all very well be the same person) due to the bad English that they use, and that this “Ectodude's Lover” uses. If I'm wrong, sorry, but I bet it's something like that.