A modest message to fellow GB fans

by wesyeed1

17 years, 11 months ago

Hi, gb.net. Long time no post…

Well, (*rant)

I have something very personal I've been holding in for a loooooooooooong time ever since the old days when gb.net wasn't an archive site (wow, I was in highschool back then… good grief.) Well to the point, I was one of the few members left around there who held onto some infinitesimal bit of atom-sized hope that gb3 might get out of development hell and through some miracle be given the green light. Now with some confirmation, CONFIRMATION, from Dan Aykroyd that it is FINALLY on its way, and of course as any net-dork knows, the beginning phases of the hype are upon us, I have one thing to say to those who said gb3 would never happen and who for some sadistic reason just metaphorically speaking took a knife and shoved it through our little hopes for so many years…

YOU HAD NO DICKS! (*peter) :-@

aaahh…. thank you for this opportunity to finally put this out there, Dan Aykroyd.

Rant, over…

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

There was a fair and equal chance that it wasn't gonna happen.

And even now, it could still fail… however, given the small smidges of hope and intrigue I've actually found myself wanting both this proposed film and game to make it to the final stages of development and see release.

However, I'd like to see categorally where people are getting the info that says it's gonna be called ‘Ghostbusters 3’. :p

by HannibalKing

17 years, 11 months ago

Does it matter? Question I've been asking myself a lot. I mean, It's still Ghostbusters 3 regardless. Calling it Ghostbusters: Hellbent or what have you doesn't change the fact that its Ghostbusters 3, it just helps people cope with it being CG unlike the other 2.

Anyway, as for the real question, I think it just comes down to the fact that Dan was responding to a question about GB3 and clearly stating that GB3, not a standalone gb film or whathave you, is going to be animated and not live action.

by wesyeed1

17 years, 11 months ago

Yes, kingpin… I too hope all negotiations and stuff goes forward so we can see gb3 FINALLY happen instead of (*rant) ****ing garfield 5 or evolution 2.

Also yeah I know there's always a chance for projects like this to be cancelled . Actually to a lot of fans, this may seem like deja vu since I do remember talk of gb3 from dan or someone was circling the news sites years back, giving fans false hopes… but this time I think it's different, probably because dan said murray will be involved; and we all know Murray's really the only reason GB3 never got off the page.

My crazy gb fan rant is really in response to what I thought was an overly pessimistic outlook on any potential gb3. It was as if the principal cast had all died to some ghostheads out there. The dominant consensus I percieved was that we weren't allowed to hope for it despite it being deader than slimer. Ha ha ha ha. A little fat and age doesn't bother me, but anyway with computer tech of course that's probably not an issue now.

Oh and I don't care what it's called. Slimer and the Ghostbusters, Aliens VS Dana VS ghostbusters, whatever… just give me gb on the big screen one last time. (^_^)

by HannibalKing

17 years, 11 months ago

Even it is never made, maybe we can just all hope that alternate dimensions exist and that we can peer into those universes… Then we can just look to a world where GB3 was actually made lol. Even if it is made and cg, then we can still hope for that to see a live action GB3.

Then again, you'd have to think, if that was actually real, wouldn't there be a universe where the Ghostbusters actually existed?

Okay, so I'm obviously joking about that stuff, but its cool to think about.

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 11 months ago

I love you Wesyeed.

by heslimedme251

17 years, 11 months ago

I love you Wesyeed.

*shaun of the dead style*Alright……….gay!

I'm sorry, i'm in one of them moods! heh. :-) :p


by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 11 months ago

Bust on.

by slimer3881

17 years, 11 months ago

Even it is never made, maybe we can just all hope that alternate dimensions exist and that we can peer into those universes… Then we can just look to a world where GB3 was actually made lol. Even if it is made and cg, then we can still hope for that to see a live action GB3.

Then again, you'd have to think, if that was actually real, wouldn't there be a universe where the Ghostbusters actually existed?

Okay, so I'm obviously joking about that stuff, but its cool to think about.

where do you buy your shit from? cause i gotta get some.

by matthew1

17 years, 11 months ago

I've been saying it for years. “The Ghostbusters francise is just too big, too iconic, too well known for cinema to ignore forever”. “We'll see it again in some form whether a sequel, a remake or a remastered version of the original” I still beleive this.

But Ghostbusters III has not at all been confirmed. Dan simply said that he has an agreement with Murray and that the project is not as dead as it was last year. He's just saying that the movie is now much more likely to happen than it's probably ever been. This movie won't be confirmed though until some film company agrees to make it, which I think will happen. I just hope that whichever company gets the deal and whatevervthe script is like, it retains everything that made the original movie great while offering an original story.