A new cartoon series strictly based on the new comic...

by Chad

21 years, 1 month ago

Orko Is King
Cartoon Netowrk only gives a damn about anime, Scooby Doo and Cartoon Cartoons. Just look at where He-Man is and that's where Ghostbusters would be if CN aired it.

Well said. That is the short post I was aiming for. I guess it turned out a bit longer than I initially expected. I don't like staying up / waking up to see He-man at 5am on weekdays.

With hope, this is just due to the fact season one has already aired. I look forward to next season (is there one?).

by toygeek1

21 years, 1 month ago

With hope, this is just due to the fact season one has already aired. I look forward to next season (is there one?).

It is, there is, it'll be on in a couple of weeks.

You want to know the reason that Adult Swim has so much stuff that's either home grown or Anime? Because it's cheap. You'd be amazed if you knew how much they do on a tiny tiny budget. They can make 30 episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force for what it costs for 8 episodes of He-Man, or Justice League. Cartoon Network is the red headed stepchild of the Turner network. Turner owns the Hanna-Barbara library…that's why they show so much of those cartoons (Scooby Doo being the most obvious), and their relationshop with Warner has been great for both companies, but they get no love.

Anime can be imported cheaply, and there's a lot of it. And a lot of it's REALLY good. (anybody who thinks anime is all giant eyes and lighting effects obviously hasn't seen Cowboy Bebop) The homegrown properties, if made popular enough, can be licensed to get them some cash.

by Chad

21 years, 1 month ago

It is, there is, it'll be on in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for the info, good news all around.

You want to know the reason that Adult Swim has so much stuff that's either home grown or Anime? Because it's cheap. You'd be amazed if you knew how much they do on a tiny tiny budget. They can make 30 episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force for what it costs for 8 episodes of He-Man, or Justice League. Cartoon Network is the red headed stepchild of the Turner network. Turner owns the Hanna-Barbara library…that's why they show so much of those cartoons (Scooby Doo being the most obvious), and their relationshop with Warner has been great for both companies, but they get no love.

Yeah, I had the pleasure of working for WB Records and I have some friends who work at Cartoon Network in Burbank. Things make sense, but I really wish they would air more old cartoons and more shows like Brak and Aqua Teen Hunger Force rather than all that anime. Diversity is what I like when it comes to cartoons.

Anime can be imported cheaply, and there's a lot of it. And a lot of it's REALLY good. (anybody who thinks anime is all giant eyes and lighting effects obviously hasn't seen Cowboy Bebop) The homegrown properties, if made popular enough, can be licensed to get them some cash.

I agree. However, you have to admit that there is another anime stereotype(s) emerging ala Big O and Inuyasha (spelling?). Boy meets girl, boy tries to save girl, etc. etc. Same with Trigun and Cowboy Beebop on a different scale. I guess you could simplify anything these days, but I guess I'm just burned out with anime since it's become such a large trend.

by JohnnySparks

21 years, 1 month ago

I believe either way would be just fine, As long as it captures the humor of the original movie, I am cool with it.

by XTremeLurker

21 years, 1 month ago

I think it should be a must that JMS be involved in someway. If he's completely unavailable, then someone just as good, as Dr. Riddle suggested. You could have a wonderful-looking cartoon series, but without decent scripts, they're nothing. In my view, JMS made the Real Ghostbusters, and without him, or his input someway along the line, we ended up with a limp-wristed show that was far too ‘kiddie-friendly’. We lost the edge, and the sharp humour that made the show one of the most successful cartoons in the eighties.

I'd love a new cartoon series to be edgy, but with light touches, and I completely agree with DanTheMan that the ghosts should be scary. I'm all for fun and laughter, but I never could get used to the Marshmallow Man and Slimer being friendly towards the GBs in the Real Ghostbusters.

As for the rest of it, Dr. Riddle just about covered it all.
Oh, and if it ever gets made, I'd like everyone to know, well in advance, that us guys over here in the UK would love to get a look at it!!!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 1 month ago

I think it should be a must that JMS be involved in someway. If he's completely unavailable, then someone just as good, as Dr. Riddle suggested. You could have a wonderful-looking cartoon series, but without decent scripts, they're nothing. In my view, JMS made the Real Ghostbusters, and without him, or his input someway along the line, we ended up with a limp-wristed show that was far too ‘kiddie-friendly’. We lost the edge, and the sharp humour that made the show one of the most successful cartoons in the eighties.

Exactly. And did EGB have JMS? No they didn't. Was EGB too kid friendly? Definitely not. But did EGB survive? Thank goodness, it didn't! :p That show was dull and lifeless. It strayed to far from the concept of scientists going into business for themselves. They didn't even seem like a business anymore.

And for the millionth time: Cartoon Network was only a SUGGESTION! :p I don't like Cartoon Network, or Anime, or Manga! So please stay on topic guys. Make suggestions for a new network and tell me what you think of my ideas.

And once again, please, stay on topic. :p

by divia1

21 years, 1 month ago

“With hope, this is just due to the fact season one has already aired. I look forward to next season (is there one?).”

Season two of MOTU starts Oct 4th at 9 pm with Council of Evil.

The idea of a new cartoon is a good one. The idea of putting it on CN is a bad one. The fact they managed to mess up MOTU, put it on at horrid times, and didn't show COE at the end of season one like it was suppose to air, makes me believe they should not handle a new GB toon, if we ever get one. It seems to me that the only thing CN cares about is anime shows, and if they got their hands on GB I wonder if they would make it look like Teen Titans. I shutter at the thought.

While I would love for a more adult toon I dont think you'll see one. Kids are important and needed in order to make the show successful. MOTU right now has a huge collectors fanbase but could go under at any moment if more kids aren't on board. I hate to say it but you need kids.

by toygeek1

21 years, 1 month ago

A couple of points here…

A) If you want JMS on a GB project, you'd better be prepared to back up the money truck. When he was working on RGB, he was new. Nobody knew who he was. After Babylon 5, Jeremiah, and his continued success as a comic book writer as well…I just can't see it happening. You want my opinion? Call up Simon Furman. He'd do it just because he can, and he'd do a damn fine job of it to boot!

B) He-Man is not Cartoon Network's fault. They gave it the best slot possible, but people just aren't biting like people thought they would. It's big with the nostalgia crowd, but kid's aren't as big on it as Mattel projected. They were strong enough for CN to order a second season, but not a FULL second season. I believe there are nine new episodes. So, CN pulled “Council of Evil” to better pad the second season, and give people the best chance at something new to watch. Let's not forget, that at the end of the day, they're still a business…

by DocRyedale

21 years, 1 month ago

While I would love for a more adult toon I dont think you'll see one. Kids are important and needed in order to make the show successful. MOTU right now has a huge collectors fanbase but could go under at any moment if more kids aren't on board. I hate to say it but you need kids.

That's one of the best comments I've heard yet about a possible cartoon. It's just like what we were saying about Batman: The Animated Series (1992) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)

by divia1

21 years, 1 month ago

I agree CN is not the only reason MOTU is doing poorly. There are numerous factors, which I will not get into.

So the next question is: How can GB draw the kids in? What can be done to make it kid friendly while still keeping an edge to it so teens and adults will like it as well. Kids seem to be fickle these because they have so many choices. Like it or hate it, the kids are fond of anime. Do you somehow weave in elements of anime into the cartoon?

There are 12 episodes for the second season of MOTU, not including COE parts 1&2