A new cartoon series strictly based on the new comic...

by ghostfactory1

20 years, 11 months ago

It's a good possibility. Another animation studio I'd like to recommend is Startoons or Astropolitan Pictures, located in the Chicagoland area. They got some really cool animation. I know because I've seen their work. They could also fit nicely into the new GB cartoon… (*janine)

by welshghostbuster1

20 years, 11 months ago

If there were a new cartoon would you prefer it to be more adult than RGB?

by Zedd

20 years, 11 months ago

Ok, I don't wanna sound like a whiner or anything but I've spent some time with Dave Coulier and even though he was on Full House and most people like the other Peter better I just wanna say in his defence…he is VERY talented!!! In more ways than one lol

by vincentbelmont1

20 years, 11 months ago



by Zedd

20 years, 11 months ago

lol Vincent!!! oh how could you think that way??? LOL After all we've been through :p

by vincentbelmont1

20 years, 11 months ago

That's usually the connotation that phrase takes, but if you meant it some other way…I….hoo boy….

…I think 36 hours is long enough to stay up, don't you?

by DocFritz

20 years, 11 months ago

I've said it before, I'll say it again: I didn't care for Dave Coulier as Venkman either, but in fairness it wasn't all his fault.

1. He was hired to Sound Like Bill Murray. That meant he couldn't impart as much of his natural personality into the part the way Murray, Music, or the voice actors of the other characters could. The fact that he refused to be a Bill Murray impersonator, and did it his own way, is a big part of why Music was so successful in getting out from under Murray's shadow and creating one of his own.

2. J. Micheal Straczynski, one of the most gifted writers in all of media (creator of Babylon 5 and current writer of Amazing Spider-Man), quit the show because the producers wanted to lobotomize Janine and make the show generally more “kid friendly” (ie make Slimer more important, put in the assinine Junior Ghostbusters). The writing quality went way down, but notice that in JMS written Coulier episodes such as “The Grundle” or “Janine You've Changed” Coulier comes closer to succeeding in the part.

by welshghostbuster1

20 years, 11 months ago

Its a shame the show declined like it did.

by Mr.Jacobs

20 years, 11 months ago

I delt with Dave, I could care less for him but I didn't hate him. He did have some decent episodes under his belt like the Grundle. He wasn't like Lorenzo Music who will be missed as the Crash Test Dummy who actually rapped on ocasion about wearing your seatbelt. ah, the dynasty decade. (^_^)

It was also a shame that JMS left the show so early. The man was very talented I mean he wrote some of the best Masters of the Universe stories ever (for the original series). He also made Squadren Supreme cool again by writing Supreme Power (Get off the PC and get to yout comic shop and buy this mini-series. It is a very well written version of Marvel's version of the JLA.) and he wrote ASM #500 and the mighty 9/11 issue (not as good as DC's mini-series though).

For the cartoon it should be more adult but enough so kids are still getting into it. They will only make a new cartoon for franchising rights, and the best way to do that is to get kids involved. Keep it close to the scource material like the new TMNT show. It stays true to the Mirage comics and is still kid friendly.

by DocRyedale

20 years, 11 months ago