A new cartoon series strictly based on the new comic...

by cj1

20 years, 11 months ago

Coulier was cool in my opinion, and I handled the Junior Ghostbusters pretty well. But the Ghostbusters, like Marvel, can live without JMS behind the helm. I would love to see him write a few episodes here and there, but we can't rest on the mind of one man. That's why Alan Moore decided to retire.

by Ghost_buster20

20 years, 11 months ago

I watched TMNT today an yeah there really cool, the Aniamation is really fantastic an amazin. The Idea of the new Ghostbusters Cartoons being produced by them would be truely great. But yeah I would make it more adult base then child friendly. I mean come on most fans now adays are over the age of 10 right, sure there are fans under 10 an all but most of the fans would be older then 10. Besides its not like kids DONT watch adlut base cartoons any ways. Mah six year old cuzin watches southpark all the time haha. But it would be really sweet if they made a new Cartoon series :-)

by Mr.Jacobs

20 years, 11 months ago

uh, this is supposed to be a revival. And the only way to have a succesful revival is to get new fans. TMNT has a whole new generation of fans because of the new cartoon (and videogame ). GB should be the same thing, hell if it finds the perfect balance like Batman: The Animated Series (It's damn hard to find an american cartoon with as much quality as that show throughout all it's incarnations it was amazing.)
It could do what it did, run in the afternoons and on primetime. They did this with the first season and I think 2 episodes beat out Seinfeld for raitings.

And JMS had his shot at GB and he will be remembered for it. I wanna see new blood writing new stories or thier takes on classics. Someone new would be excellent. I like JMS and all but I think the series would feel a little too much like RGB in movie clothing if he became a full time writer. No offense to RGB fanatics, but let someone else take the helm. Same goes for asking for the original RGB voice actors to reprise thier roles. Let some new guys go for it.

by dantheman1

20 years, 11 months ago

But the Ghostbusters, like Marvel, can live without JMS behind the helm. I would love to see him write a few episodes here and there, but we can't rest on the mind of one man. That's why Alan Moore decided to retire.
I couldn't agree more. JMS was a great GB writer, no doubt. But GB isn't going to grow and flourish if every little GB thing is written by him.

If Ghostbusters makes a comeback in cartoon form, I do not want to see snazzier looking rehashes of old RGB episodes. I like how the new Ninja Turtles borrows elements from all previous TMNT iterations; distancing itself just enough from each of them and still being true to the originals. That's what I'd like to see in a new GB cartoon. If I wanted to see RGB stories, I'd go hit up Kazaa, or get the DVD set (if it ever comes out).

by DocRyedale

20 years, 11 months ago

by Ghost_buster20

20 years, 11 months ago

Here here , I like the idea of that!!!! lol

by DocRyedale

20 years, 11 months ago

by toygeek1

20 years, 11 months ago

Dr. Riddle
I didn't understand a thing you just said Mrs. Jacobs.
That's because he said they don't NEED our help.

by DocRyedale

20 years, 11 months ago

by Ludicris

20 years, 11 months ago

Speaking of writers, The new Ghostbusters show would need two of the greatest writers of the franchise (Len Jansen, Chuck Menville). We will rebuild this franchise with all of those accusations.

Sorry Dr. Riddle, you left yourself open.