A new movie script bought by Miramax (you may be interested)...

by Mike_D

22 years, 6 months ago

Title: S.P.O.O.K.S.
Log Line: S.P.O.O.K.S. (Special Paranormal Organization of Kids), a group of junior high school misfits empowered chiefly by their imagination and youthful but nerdish techniques, work together to save their town from evil spirits.
Writer: Kirby Atkins
Agent: n/a
Buyer: Miramax
Price: Six figures
Genre: Adventure
Logged: 6/21/02
More: Spec. Tapestry Films' Robert Levy, Peter Abrams and Jennifer Gibgot to produce. Gibgot developed the idea along with Atkins.

If this movie made money, I'd put my money on this one other than MIB2 if it made a lot of money and Sony decides to give GB3 a shot.

by PF4Eva

22 years, 6 months ago

Sounds kind of interesting, but it can't budge GB. GB's gonna take forever to budge.

by Zack

22 years, 6 months ago

no!! we don't need this crap! why are we being made to suffer!!?


by GBix

22 years, 6 months ago

Miramax, they'll buy just about anything, except for…