*A Nightmare On Elm Street Remake?!*

by Ectofiend

17 years, 1 month ago

New Line, Michael Bay to remake “A Nightmare On Elm Street”
Joe Rickey

Source: Variety

According to Variety, Platinum Dunes partners Michael Bay, Brad Fuller and Andrew Form have been set by New Line to re-launch Freddy Krueger, the iconic psycho who haunts the subconscious dreams of teenagers and kills them in their sleep.

The trio will create a new franchise based on A Nightmare On Elm Street, the 1984 Wes Craven film.

Originally played by Robert Englund, Krueger haunted nine films and two TV series, and was New Line's most lucrative franchise until The Lord of the Rings.

The deal comes as Bay, Fuller and Form ready for an April start for Friday the 13th, a New Line re-launch of another iconic baddie, Jason Voorhees. Cloverfield star Odette Yustman has just been set to star, and Marcus Nispel will direct a script by Damian Shannon and Mark Swift (Freddy Vs. Jason).

Both franchises will be given a complete overhaul, something that Platinum Dunes provided in the Nispel-directed The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. New Line won't hire a writer on Nightmare until the strike ends.

*I KNOW I'm not the only one to feel COMPLETELY BURNED by this …I'm getting SICK & TIRED of these studios/corporations/“visionary directors” pissing on my childhood/fandom…There are just CERTAIN MOVIES/PROPERTIES THAT DO NOT NEED TO BE “REINVISIONED”!!…

*I mean there's already talks about REPLACING ROBERT ENGLUND AS FREDDY…That IN ITSELF is a TRAVESTY…“Freddy Krueger” is just one of those characters that just CAN'T CAN'T be “played” by another “actor”…ROBERT ENGLUND IS FREDDY!!…NO ONE ELSE CAN BRING THAT LEVEL OF COMMITMENT AND “LIFE” TO THAT ROLE!!…He CREATED IT for cripes sakes!!…I mean I know he's getting on in age, however the man is NOT DEAD or a “vegatable”!!…I personally MET the man about a year or so ago, and even THEN he was BURSTING with energy!!…

*And they're talking about replacing him with this guy:

*Yup, that's right - Ben Foster from “X-Men 3: The Last Stand”…That TRAINWRECK of a “movie”…A] he's TOO YOUNG, and B] He wouldn't be able to do the character justice …

*And then there's the issue of who's producing it - None other than hack “visionary” Micheal Bay…While I enjoyed last year's “Transformers” to a degree, I could have done without ALOT of his “vision” …All of his films REEK of the same REHASHED mood and form - His “badass american renegade” style…UGH.

*And it's for his “Platnum Dunes” imprint, the same “nice people” who COMPLETELY DUMPED on “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”…

*I have that feeling…In my gut…This is GOING TO BLOW IF EXECUTED…Bad sequels are one thing - Trying to “re-invision” PERFECTION - A CLASSIC - is a whole nother ball game :-@ …

*Yeah, they're “remaking” “Friday The 13th”, and while that could bug me, there's been soooooo many different takes on Jason and it's “mythos” over the years - I'm quite indifferent to that…The “Evil Dead” remake I've gotten over as I Sam and Rob are attached to it producing it…“Lost Boys 2” is already a “lost cause”, amongst a whole SLEW of other films that don't need a “reboot” or unnecessary sequel…

*Though the whole “Ghostbusters: Bollywood” thing has me worried to a degree …But it's not an “official” GB movie…So I can rest easy…At least alittle bit…

*Horror Movies post-“Scream” has been ABYSMAL…With few exceptions …And honestly movies like “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, “The Evil Dead”, and “Friday The 13th” DON'T need to be brought over into this “dark age of horror” , nor “re-invsioned” for the crowd that made that type of “horror” popular…

*Keep making dumb “SAW” films for all I care - JUST LEAVE THE CLASSICS BE!!…

*“Rob Zombie's Halloween” - Let that be your example of a classic TOTALLY SHAT ON for the “sake of re-invision” to appeal to “newer audiences”…

*I'm tired of “Hollywood”…I'm tired of the “b.s” corporate executives that “greenlight” this shit…“Remakes” are best when it's a film that hasn't been in the limelight for DECADES…Not a franchise that's a mere 22 years old!!…Greedy, unimaginative s.o.b.'s…

*O.k. - I'm done …But let it be said - “If it ‘aint broke - DON’T FIX IT!!” (*peter)


by Nix

17 years, 1 month ago

It's just another sign that we're running out of ideas, and quickly at that.

by JamesCGamora

17 years, 1 month ago

I had a feeling this was going to happen once I heard Zob Zombie was remaking /re-invisioning Halloween

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

Well, they're also remaking Chucky and Friday the 13th. Hellraiser may be next. Also non-horror film, I believe they are going to remake Short Circuit. Man, is there anything we haven't already seen?

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 1 month ago

Its not that they are suddenly running out of ideas. Its that remakes have built in audiences. Horror is its own genre, as are the fans. But yes, once the Halloween remake and the Texas Chainsaw, it was only a matter of time.

And lets be fair, most horror movies are basically remakes.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

And lets be fair, most horror movies are basically remakes.

How is that? A remake in itself is a re imagining of a previous done story. Most horror movies are either continuations, or rip off versions of other horror flicks.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Oh I don't care about all this… “Batman” and a couple of others were enough to disgust me.

Maybe all the tributes to violence will finaly turn people sick enough to yell at the movie industry to get something mature.

by missygirl8520001

17 years, 1 month ago

What's up with these remakes? :@ Why can't Hollywood leave the movies that were already made alone? :@

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

Oh I don't care about all this… “Batman” and a couple of others were enough to disgust me.

Batman wasn't remade, it was rehashed. They don't really remake super hero movies, they just rehash the plot so it stays fresh and new. The new Batman movie was certainly different than the 89 batman movie, and definatley not a remake of the Adam West movie.

Although at one point I think it was going to be like the Adam West series, with Bill Murray playing Batman. Thank GOD Tim Burton stepped in.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Batman wasn't remade, it was rehashed.

It's all the same for me, the Joker's dead. No neEd to replace Jack Nicholson. What it'll be next, CatWoman, ThePenguin?