*A Nightmare On Elm Street Remake?!*

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 1 month ago


by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

Batman wasn't remade, it was rehashed.

It's all the same for me, the Joker's dead. No neEd to replace Jack Nicholson. What it'll be next, CatWoman, ThePenguin?

A reboot of the Batman franchise was a reasonable thing to do, it got the horrible taste out of people's mouthes that had been created by Schumacher's Bat movies.

by JamesCGamora

17 years, 1 month ago

ya, the Schumacher movies ruined the franchise…a reboot was definitely in order.

In the words of an old classmate of mine "When they start making anatomically correct rubber suits for batman and robin…it really can’t get much more worse.”

by Mat.

17 years, 1 month ago

I actually enjoyed Rob Zombie's version of Halloween, but to each his own.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

ya, the Schumacher movies ruined the franchise…a reboot was definitely in order.

In the words of an old classmate of mine "When they start making anatomically correct rubber suits for batman and robin…it really can’t get much more worse.”

Come on… we all like nipples! :p

Naa, for me, Batman is dead. They made a big hit with Tim Burton's Batman / Batman Return. Batman Forever was… ok. The other was made for the kids or something close to the tv version; it's the only way I can watch it. But it's enough for me.

by Ectofiend

17 years, 1 month ago

*Batman aside - This is what I've gathered lately in searching this thing out on Google:

1] Robert's apparently “bowed out” of any “discussions” about him being back in the role, citing his age .
2] They are also considering Jake Gyllenhaal for Freddy .

*No word on a “plot” or any other such thing yet…Though I'm sure it'll involve unecessary explosions, bad “A-List Teen stars” spouting off yesterday's “in” slang, sunsets, and quick-cuts (*egon) …

*Also in researching this, I've discovered that the “remake-trend” is farther-reaching than I ever thought imaginable…They're remaking “The Witches” , “Robocop”, “Revenge Of The Nerds” , along with just about every, EVERY major horror, comedy, and sci-fi flick from the ‘80’s …Including “Weird Science”, and “Back To School” with “Cedrick The Entertainer” in the “Rodney Dangerfield” role ::smacks forehead::…

*And as for “Tv remakes” an “A-Team” movie is on the way, as is a “Knight Rider” amongst other things…

*It seems my childhood is thourghly being raped


by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

AH! so it's true about KnightRider…

So, they're remaking everything? Now I understand why the movie industry said that the years in the futur will be concentrated for an audience of 15yrs ol +

Oh, well, my money will go somewhere else than the theater then.

Ten years back, I was surprised when I discovered that most of the movies were remake. Who knows, maybe the next generations will lose their interest in movies sooner than me. But I think virtual reality will create a big bang.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

There's actually been no real confirmation of Robocop. I just have a feeling that a remake of Robocop would be really bad. Unless they do it right, which I doubt.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

17 years, 1 month ago

ARGH!!! This crap really pisses me off! First of all, what's the f*cking point in “re-starting” Nightmare on Elm Street at all?? Even with Englund it's a retarded idea. But to remake or “re-start” the series withOUT Robert Englund?! These people are so stupid! Honestly, why can't a series just BE OVER?!?! Done. Final. Maybe I'm geeking out here, but this stuff makes me absolutely sick! It's kind of like the euthenasia controversy - Hollywood is keeping these beloved old franchises on feeding tubes, and to see characters like Freddy, Leatherface, etc. as brain-vegetables, its just really depressing. Instead of milking these classics until every last penny is squeezed out, instead of cashing in on this “nostalgia” fad, these money-whoring Hollywood c*nts ought to be encouraging originality. Lets see the new “Freddy Krueger,” the new “Ghostbusters,” the new “Star Wars”. Seriously, when was the last time something as original as those series came out? For all their cheese and commercialism, the 1970's & 1980's were times of creative originality. Nowadays however creative originality cannot exist. Not in Hollywood at least. Because it's “risky”. Hollywood can only make ‘safe’ movies, because those assure profit, which in turn assure new sports cars and summer cottages for the ‘Weinstein’-types. And the perfect kind of “safe” movies are remakes and sequels/prequels of popular films. Grindhouse was a perfect example of how originality is treated in Hollywood nowadays; if it doesn't make millions & millions of dollars that is.

All this being said, I suppose I'm not too worried about Englund's snub. The movie will probably suck horribly anyway with all the contrived CGI. Its probably for the best that Robert be seperated from this turd. Besides, nothing they can do will change Robert Englund's status as the one true “Freddy”. Hollywood will do as Hollywood does, and the best thing to do is ignore these kind of films. Even if you're a hardcore fan, don't buy theatre tickets, don't buy DVDs, just rent them from the video store or whatever for as little money as possible. The general public who gobbles this puke up is also to blame you know. It doesn't matter if we hate remakes with a passion, as long as we pay for them, then dumbf*cked studios will keep squeezing them out.

by Ectofiend

17 years, 1 month ago

*From http://www.horroryearbook.com/542928/exclusive-robert-englund-would-play-freddy-krueger-if-asked:

According to rumors and various websites Robert England supposedly had no interest in being in the Nightmare on Elm Street remake, but it turns out Moviehole and I were originally right (Read Here) in saying that Englund would probably reprise his role as Freddy Krueger if asked.

Our writer Tyler Shainline just got off the phone with Robert Englund and when asked if it was true that he did not want to return for the upcoming remake he replied: “The decision isn’t mine, They haven’t talked to me so I figure that they are going with a whole different interpretation and a different cast. If I was approached it would be a challenge but sure, yeah. But it sounds to me that they want to reinterpret it.”

It is not Englund that doesn’t want to be in the film, but the people behind it. Another reason to hate the idea of a Nightmare remake. Since the role of Krueger relies heavily on make-up effects there should be no reason for the studio not to want him back, as age should not play a role. Also Freddy unlike other slasher icons Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers actually talks, so hearing him with a new voice may actually take a little getting use to. They should just really make fans happy and have Englund return to the role he made famous.

*There you go - Straight from the “Man Of Your Dream”'s mouth…

*"Ball's in your court Mr. Bay"…
