*A Nightmare On Elm Street Remake?!*

by Kingpin

17 years ago

am i allowed to say the the original A Nightmare on Elm Street wasn't much cop?!

i feel your pain though, the remake of The Fog was horrendous!

A good example of a poorly handled remake. But not all remakes are bad.

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

…maybe if they were thrown into the Sun, but they seem utterly impossible to kill off.

I dunno about that. With Jason…depending on who you ask he did survive re-entry to a planetary body so I dunno if a sun WOULD kill him.

by Ectofiend

17 years ago

*Wes Craven - The man that INVENTED “Freddy Krueger”, and his thoughts on the upcoming, proposed remake:

One remake Craven isn't involved in is New Line's plans to reinvent his “Nightmare on Elm Street” franchise with Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes banner.

“My baby has fallen into the hands of others, and what can I say but wish them luck.”

*AYE (*egon) …
