A post for the better of GB3

by GbusterKeenster

22 years, 8 months ago

In this post I do not intend on repeating the same old information which I have found on numerous websites found searching through different search engines and links or even the info found on this messag board, however I would like to say that Ghostbusters 3 would be a hell of a movie to release and it's a true shame that (as rumors all have it) this movie is dead. My question is why haven't we seen any type of updates from any websites or any information on Television? It seems to me that the only updated information you can find on this movie is from this opinionated message board. (Don't get me wrong, this board is one of the best anbd I love it!) We need to gather all the sources we can and post them all under this post. So I ask you this, please post as much GB3 information (website addresses and mailing addresses) under this post and hopefully we can all find out more about this movie that most of us wish to see. The more information we can gather from this movie will result in less rumors and more accurate conclusions on this movie!

by NetSolo

22 years, 8 months ago

Thanks for the plug, Brandon- there's even more in the news archives on Ghostbusters HQ. Just head over to www.ghostbustershq.com and click the archives button under the current news.

by GbusterKeenster

22 years, 8 months ago

I really wish Dan Aykroyd would come out and tell the GB fans straight up, is there a chance IN THE FUTURE or not of a GB3. Sure, he said it is dead, but does that mean it is dead forever? If he answered this question I believe we would see a dramatic decrease of unneccessary posts in this part of the message board.
I dunno, just a thought!

by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 8 months ago

I don't understand how so many stupid movies are made every year but a movie that will be a HIT won't. I don't know, overall I think the reason is because of Bill Murray.



by ProdigalSon

22 years, 8 months ago

GB3 would be the best thing to come out since sliced bread, what an invention that was, but unfortunately we haven't had word in a long time and news has dried up. maybe we should start to flood sony and Dan's offices with letters. we're a community aren't we? why not organize and take what we want?

by GbusterKeenster

22 years, 8 months ago

I wrote a letter to Dan a few months ago asking about GB3 being made and have yet to recieve a reply. Here are some address's that I have stumbled uponThese may or my not be correct)

Dan Aykroyd
273 N. Many Lakes Drive
Kalispell, MT. 59901-8344

DAN AYKROYD (Dr. Raymond Stantz)
Address: c/o CAA, 9830 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Dan Aykroyd's Fan Mail:
C/O Creative Artists Agency
9830 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Another Possible Address:
1180 South Beverly Drive #618
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Dan's other Addresses:

PSI FACTOR/ Dan Aykroyd
c/o Alliance Atlantis communications
Publicity Department Alliance Atlantis
communications Inc. 121 Bloor street
East. Suite 1500 Toronto, Ontario M4W
3M5 Canada

Subject: To Dan Aykroyd


HAROLD RAMIS (Dr. Egon Spengler)
Address: 160 Euclid Ave., Glencoe, IL 60022

IVAN REITMAN (director & producer)
Address: 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, CA 91608

Dunno i these are correct but hey, it's worth a shot!


by bigpapi428

22 years, 8 months ago
